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March 5th, 9:08 am
JJ has been in rehab for exactly 6 days. That means 4 more days until she is supposed to come home. I missed her so much.

She'd called me a few times. Everytime she does, she sounds like she's crying or is upset. But when I ask her, she claims that everything is fine. I'm worried about her but I don't think there's much I can do.

That was until today. It's Friday, and we had just gotten back from a case so Hotch gave us a long weekend. I was planning on just cleaning up a little, but I got a call from JJ.

I assumed she was just homesick and wanted to talk, but I was wrong. When I answered the phone she was clearly sobbing, and struggling to breathe. "JJ? JJ what happened?" I asked her.

I heard something bang, like it was falling to the floor, and then JJ screamed. I heard another voice. It sounded like a man. "Who said you could use the phone?!" He yelled. It sounded like he hit her, and then she screamed again before the phone disconnected.

I immediately grabbed my keys and got in the car. I don't think I've ever driven this fast in my life. I was going well over the speed limit and I just prayed that a cop wouldn't pull me over.

When I finally got to the rehab center, I parked my car and ran inside. I didn't bother checking in at the front desk, I just ran to JJ's room. When I got there I heard another scream, and there were workers everywhere.

I tried to open the door but it was locked. "Ma'am the police are on their way but you can't go in there. He could be armed." I heard someone tell me. I pulled out my badge, showing it to her without saying anything.

I pulled a bobby pin out of my hair and picked the lock to the door. It was a weak lock, so it was really easy to do.

I grabbed my gun as I entered the door. I saw JJ on the bed, and a man standing over her with a syringe. He had it stuck in her arm, but he hadn't injected it yet. I was quite literally there at the last possible moment.

"FBI, drop it and put your hands in the air."

I looked at the bottle on the nightstand. It was potassium chloride. The dose that he was giving her would stop her heart and be lethal. He was trying to kill her.

He held frozen in place, while I stood with my gun trained on him. I heard police officers coming into the room. "Virginia state police department, Matt Leon drop the weapon."

I didn't move until he had fully set down the syringe, and a police officer had put him in handcuffs.

Finally I went over to JJ. She was quietly sobbing. I sat on the edge of the bed, and ran over her cheek with my thumb. "It's okay love, it's okay. It's all over."

I slid my hands under her, lifting her up. I put my arm around her to hold her up as we started walking. "Cmon. I'm taking you home JJ."

A staff member tried to stop me from leaving. "Excuse me you can't just-"

"I said I'm taking her home. Got it?" I sounded more harsh than I intended, but I didn't really care. "Yes." She nodded.

I helped JJ to the car, buckling her seat belt. The whole ride home she just stared out the window at the highway. Tears still dripping from her face.

I held her hand in mine, not wanting to let her go again. The ride back was a lot longer, because I wasn't speeding this time.

I took her back to my house, and we walked in the front door. The first thing she did was go sit on the couch. I went and sat next to her.

I leaned back so I was laying down, and she quietly sank down into my arms. I held her there, with her face buried in my shoulder for almost 20 minutes.

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