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It was around 11pm now. JJ had been able to stomach almost a full bowl of plain rice. Now the question is will she be able to actually keep it down. My guess is probably not.

We were both headed upstairs. I climbed into bed and JJ laid down too. She faced away from me, curling up with her knees to her chest.

"JJ?" I leaned up against her, pressing my front to her back. I wrapped my arms around her waist, softly stroking her arm.

"I don't feel good."

She took the nausea and sleeping medicine a little while ago with everything else, so I was hoping it would help.

"Why don't you try and fall asleep. If you wake up and get sick it's okay."

She nodded, closing her eyes. I pressed kisses to her shoulder and held her. Soon she fell asleep, and so did I.

12:30 am
When I heard vomiting sounds coming from the bathroom, I quickly checked the clock and saw it was just past midnight.

I went into the bathroom, kneeling behind JJ who was throwing up again. "Come here."  I sighed, letting her collapse into my arms.

"It's hurts." She cried softly. "I know baby." I need to figure out why this was happening so much.

I grabbed a bottle of Gatorade off the counter and handed it to her. "I need you to drink this."

She took a few sips, still shaking in my arms. "We're going to get back in bed now." I said. "I want to stay here." She whined, holding onto my shirt.

"I know we did that last night Jay but you sleep better in bed. You can't sleep on the floor again."

She kept shaking her head. "I'll get you a bowl if you're going to get sick again. It's going to be okay." I lifted her from the floor, laying her down in bed again.

I quickly ran down to the kitchen, grabbing a bowl and bringing it up to her. "If you need to throw up again you can do it in there. I want you to try and go back to sleep though, okay?"

She nodded, resting her head on the pillow. "I love you jayje." I said, kissing the side of her head. "I love you so much." I draped my arm over her waist as we both fell back asleep.

1:45 am
When I woke up I heard screaming. It wasn't JJ screaming something, she was just screaming. I felt around the bed but I realized it was empty. She wasn't laying next to me anymore.

I quickly sat up, trying to get my eyes to adjust to the darkness of the room. I tried to figure out where the screaming was coming from, until I finally spotted her.

She was curled up on the floor right next to the bed. Her knees were pulled to her chest and she laid sideways.

"JJ." I slid off the bed and sat next to her. "Wake up sweetie." I tried to shake her awake, but it just scared her more. She let out something that was half scream and half sob.

"JJ come on, wake up love." I tried to wake her but her hand came up shoving me back. She rolled over away from me, and finally her eyes popped open.

I tried to move closer but she screamed, "No!" I took the note and stayed back. I think she was awake fully now, but she was still shaking and crying.

"JJ? Can you hear me sweetheart?" I wanted to reach out and hug her and stop everything she was feeling and just take it all away.

She nodded, hugging her arms to her body and breathing heavily. "JJ I don't know what to do. I hold you when you're sad or scared but I don't want to upset you more."

Crash & Burn x Jemily Where stories live. Discover now