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Atlanta, Georgia
February 8th, 6:00 am
JJ has been missing for nearly five days. The dna results on the bullet had taken longer than we thought to get. This is one of our last hopes. If this doesn't work, we may not find her.

Tim was now waiting on stand by, for when Hotch gets here with results. If he recognizes the guy, we might have our unsub. Which means we might find JJ.

We were sitting in the conference room waiting for Hotch to come. Finally he came through the door. "We've got a dna sample. Fits the description. 49 year old Alex Garret. White male dark brown hair, 6'3"." He put the picture down in front of Tim. "Is this the guy?"

"Yes!" He shouted. "That's the guy I saw!" For the first time I felt a tiny surge of hope. It was quickly crushed at the realization that she was probably already dead.

"Garcia we need the address right now." Rossi said into the computer. "It's already send to you. Find JJ."

We all rushed into cars and sped toward the address she gave us. SWAT followed us and we quickly pulled up to the house. They broke down the front door and stormed inside.

The whole team went in, and we immediately saw him. Our unsub was standing in the kitchen holding a plate of worms. Disgusting.

"Alex Garret FBI hands in the air!" I shouted, backed up by everyone. I could hear the police sirens and ambulances approaching the house. "You found me." He grinned, not taking his hands out of his pockets. "Hands in the air." I repeated. "Yeah yeah." He rolled his eyes.

He began to slowly lift his hands, until he jerked back grabbing his gun from the back counter. Before he could do anything three shots rang out. I looked around to see if anyone was hurt.

I saw all three bullet had hit Alex. He was dead. He laid on the floor in a puddle of blood. One shot was from me, one from Hotch, and one from the SWAT officer.

He was dead. He was finally dead. That meant JJ was here somewhere. I walked up the stairs and began searching rooms. Finally I found the one she was in.

I opened the door and saw her laying on the bed. Her legs and hands were chained and the sheets were filthy. "JJ." I whispered, walking towards her.

She started to cry. Her face was blood stained along with the rest of her body. I sat on the edge of the bed, quickly untying the chains to free her arms and legs. "Can we go home?" She whimpered, in between sobs. "I want to go home."

"We're going to go home. We'll go home soon we just need to get you out of here now."

She tried to move, she grabbed her stomach crying out in pain. "Jayje we're going to take you to the hospital. Don't try and move."

She ignored me and sat up anyways, clearly causing a lot of pain. "I want to go home." She sobbed. "You're bleeding." I looked at the blood that had soaked through the front of her pants. "We're going to get you home soon. We've gotta go to the hospital first."

I saw people starting to come in, Hotch, along with some other officers. JJ leaned forward shaking slightly. I put my hand on her back as she clutched her stomach. "Worms." She whispered. "What?"

"Worms." She repeated. She leaned over and vomited onto the floor. I looked at it and sure enough it was filled with worms.

She continued to cry. "Alright it's okay it's okay." I sighed, holding her hand. "It's okay. We're going to get out of here now."

Paramedics came into the room, getting JJ and taking her to the ambulance.

Atlanta Hospital, 10:00 am
The whole team had been waiting for a few hours. JJ had been taken into surgery and we didn't know anything yet. Around 2 hours ago a doctor came out and told us that she was still being operated on, but she was alive. That's all she could tell us.

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