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Atlanta, Georgia
February 3rd, 8:30 am
I sat in the conference room leafing through the file. "JJ did the victims families say anything about the specific volunteer work?" I asked, looking up.

When no one answered me I looked around the room again. "JJ?" She wasn't there. Everyone was looking up now. "Guys did JJ ever come back?" I asked.

"She went to go answer the tip line." Hotch said. "Wait that was over 15 minutes ago." Tara pointed out. "She should've been back by now."

"Let's just go check. I'm sure it's fine." Rossi said, as we all got up. We looked around, but couldn't find her anywhere. Hotch went up to the desk where an officer was working. "Excuse me have you seen Agent Jareau?" He asked.

The guy looked up. "The blonde one who was on tv? Yeah she was walking down that hallway around 15 minutes ago." He shrugged. "She said she was going to answer the tip hotline. An officer said something was called in." Hotch said.

Now the guy looked confused. "The tip line? If she was on that I don't know why she'd be going down that hall, the phones right here." He said, pointing to it on the counter. "Also nothings been called in yet on the tip line. Who told you that?"

"An officer. He was short, black hair, tan skin. You know him?" Hotch asked. He was trying to hide it but I could hear the nervousness in his voice. "Uh yeah that sounds like Tim." He said. "Tim get your ass over here!" He shouted loudly.

My stomach started to turn. This wasn't good. This was not good at all. Hotch turned around. "Spencer, Tara, Derek I need you to get Penelope on the phone. Tell her to track JJ's last cellphone location." They all nodded, clearly nervous as well. Spencer actually looked a bit sick.

I saw the officer "Tim" who had told us about the call on the tip hotline start to walk over. "Yeah Dan? What's up?" He asked.

"Did you tell them that there was a call on the tip line? There wasn't." The guy said. Tim looked confused. "Really? Some guy told me there was, and to go get that blonde agent from the tv." He shrugged. Hotch and I looked at each other. "Is this as bad as I think it is?" I asked, my voice almost cracking. "Yeah. I think it is."

1 hour later
We had gotten that Tim guy in an interrogation room, and we didn't get anything. They let him go because he didn't know anything. Some guy had told him that there was a tip. We don't know if this is the unsub yet, but he's definitely a part of it.

We got a drawing, but it's not too good because he couldn't remember much. He's white with dark brown hair. Tall and probably 40s or 50s. That's not really much to go on.

We looked through the employees and figured out that he didn't actually work here, so he had gotten inside some other way. We asked around but not that many people got a good look at him. They thought he was just reporting a crime or something and didn't pay much attention.

The cameras in the police station were overridden and shut off, so we got nothing. Penelope had tracked JJ's phone and told us her last location was the police station. It got shut off right after she went missing. That was before she started to go into a full blown mental breakdown because of the situation.

I was also very close to that, but it wasn't going to happen until we found JJ. We had to find her. JJ has to be okay.

2 days later
This was bad. This was really really bad. We hadn't found JJ yet. We sat around the conference table, all on barely any sleep. "Hotch he doesn't keep victims for more than 48 hours. If we don't find her now she's going to die." I said.

"We don't have a body. Until JJ's body comes up, she's alive. And it's going to stay that way." Derek said.

"JJ's different. He took her straight out of the police station. She's younger than most of them too. He took her because he saw her in the station. He saw her on tv. She's special. Maybe then he'll keep her longer." Hotch said.

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