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Her sobbing slowed a little as the water cooled her off. "I've got you." I whispered. "I've got you baby."

We sat there for a few minutes and JJ leaned further into my shoulder.

"I'm going to take this off now okay?" I held the bottom of her soaked through shirt. She nodded, and I pulled it over her head. I squeezed the water out of it and tossed it onto the floor outside. I slid her underwear off too, doing the same.

I let the water run down her back, trying to soothe her as much as I could.

"Does that feel a little better?" I asked, as she still gripped onto my shirt. "Yeah." She mumbled softly. I kissed her head, running my fingers through her hair.

I washed her off a little more and then turned off the shower. I grabbed two towels, wrapping one around her and one around me.

I got up, pulling her out of the shower with me. I peeled off my wet clothes so I wouldn't make a mess everywhere.

I quickly took the vomit covered bedsheets off the bed. JJ laid on the mattress face down while I got dressed. After that I dried her off, grabbing a T-shirt and some panties. 

"Let's put these on." I pulled her up slightly, and got her dressed. I sat on the bed and let her hug me for a few minutes just to keep her happy.

"I'm going to go put everything in the wash and then I'll put some more bedsheets on. I'll be right back." I laid her back down and gently kissed her head.

I grabbed the bedsheets and the wet clothes off the floor, and took them downstairs.

I saw Garcia on the couch and jumped a little because I almost forgot she was here. "Sorry." I muttered, putting my hand over my heart.

I stuck everything in the washing machine and started a load. Garcia saw my change of clothes, and wet hair. "So what y'all couldn't wait five minutes till I left to start screwing in the shower?"

"Ha. Not exactly what happened." I laughed slightly. "So what? And isn't JJ sick?"

"She's very sick. She's running a crazy fever and her head is killing her. She could barely move so I stuck her in the shower and then got pulled in after."

"Jeez. Is she okay?" Garcia asked. "Yeah she's okay. She just needs to rest. I think it'd be better if you tried to talk to her in a few days."

"Okay." She said, getting up. "Let me know how she is."

"I will. Thank you for the gifts." I smiled, walking her to the door.

She left and I locked the door behind her. I went back upstairs, grabbing some clean bedsheets from the closet.

I went back into our room and sat down on the mattress next to JJ.

"You've gotta get up so I can put the new sheets on." I said to her. She didn't move. I just lifted her up against me, sitting down on the floor with her on my lap.

She whined, pushing her fists into my chest. "Jennifer." I took her hands in mine, holding them back. "Tell me what's hurting. Something specific."

"My baby hurts." She cried, leaning against me. "Your belly's hurting?" I asked. She nodded. "Is there something I can do to make it better?"

"Take the baby out." She mumbled into me. I smiled. "Not yet Jen. Soon. She isn't ready to come out yet."

JJ didn't say anything else. I kissed her head, letting her sit on the floor while I made up the bed.

After I was done I picked her up and laid her down on the bed again. I grabbed the thermometer out of the bathroom and ran it along her forehead.


Crash & Burn x Jemily Where stories live. Discover now