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April 27th, 8:00 am
It's now Monday, which means JJ is telling the team. We're already at work, and currently sitting in the bullpen. I was sitting at my desk, and JJ was sitting next to me.

Her feet swayed back and forth above the ground. Derek had just walked in, which meant everyone was here. She was nervous, I could tell.

We didn't have a case today, which meant we'd be staying in all day. I nudged JJ's leg. "Do it." I mouthed.

She looked around, clearly freaking out all ready. Tara noticed it, and walked up to her. "Are you okay? You look a little... weird." She said. "Yeah. I'm fine." JJ gulped, hopping off the desk and taking off to god knows where.

"What's with her?" Tara asked me. I sighed. "She's just nervous." I got up and went to find JJ before Tara could ask me anything else.

I walked around until I finally found JJ in the conference room, leaning against the wall. "You can't run away from your problems forever." I said, walking into the room.

"I'm not running away." She mumbled. "I'm just.. I don't know."

"Why are you so scared to tell them anyways? Of course they'll be happy for you." I said, leaning against the wall next to her.

"This is hard for me to do and I don't have a reason for it to be hard but it is. I need you to understand that." She said, taking a deep breath.

"I understand that." I said, taking her hand in mine. "It's hard to do. But you're doing it for your safety so it's important that you actually do it."

"I know. I will." She said, holding her head in her hands. "I will."

"JJ?" We both jumped when we heard a voice in the door way. It was Hotch. I clutched my chest, looking over to him. "How the hell do you always do that?" I asked.

"Sorry." He muttered. "I saw you in here." I was assuming he heard most of everything we said. JJ played with her hands nervously.

"Is there something I should know?" He asked, looking at her. She took a deep breath.

"I- uh.. I'm pregnant."

Hotch looked a little shocked, but it was kind of hard to tell with him.

We all just stood there for a few seconds, waiting for something to happen, which it didn't. Finally Hotch spoke again. "Congratulations." He said, the tiniest smile forming. "Does the team..."

"Not yet. I'm telling them. Today." She said, determinedly. "I'm happy for you." He said, as we all started to walk out.

Everyone was already around the bullpen, including Rossi and Penelope which made it easier for JJ.

When the three of us walked out everyone noticed it. "JJ? Are you okay?" Derek asked, as everyone gathered around. Hotch and me took a few steps back.

"Uh yeah. I'm... I'm pregnant." She announced. Everyone looked at her in surprise. "You're pregnant?" Garcia asked, a huge smile on her face. "Yeah." JJ smiled back at her.

Everyone started hugging and congratulating her, and luckily no one asked about how it happened. I guess they figured it was a sperm donor.

"So Emily Prentiss is going to be a mom." Hotch chuckled quietly, as no one was paying attention to us. "I guess so." I smiled.

"How far along is she?" He asked. "Almost 12 weeks."

He nodded. "You guys could've told me. I would've taken her out of the field earlier." "I know. I think that's why she didn't tell you." I laughed.

Crash & Burn x Jemily Where stories live. Discover now