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October 6th, 7:00 am
We had flown back from a case early this morning. After we finished the paperwork we were allowed to go home.

I was almost done, but I hadn't finished yet because Derek and Spencer kept throwing stuff at me. Penelope was sitting on the edge of Derek's desk, not helping the situation.

JJ came down because she was already done too. She was holding her 9 month pregnant belly as she carefully made her way down the stairs.

She pulled over an extra chair, sitting down next to me. "I'm almost done. Then we can head home." I told her.

She nodded. "I have to pee." She told me, getting up and heading to the bathroom. JJ has to pee every five seconds now a days. I like to tease her about it.

When she walked away I noticed her wincing a little bit.

I finished up my paperwork, just as she was coming back. "Mm." She mumbled, holding her stomach again. "JJ? You okay?" I asked her.

"JJ? What's wrong with JJ?" Penelope immediately asked. "I'm fine. I just- ah." She bent over slightly, grabbing the top of her stomach.

"Are those contractions? Are you in labor!?" Penelope exclaimed. "No. I am not in labor." JJ said sternly.

"Who's in labor?" Spencer asked, looking up. "No one." JJ insisted. "I am not due for another 4 weeks. She's just kicking me really hard."

I gave her a questioning look. She shrugged it off. "I'm fine. Can we go?" She asked me. "Yeah." I nodded, grabbing our stuff.

We said bye to everyone, making our way to the elevator. I tried to notice JJ wincing at all, but she wasn't doing it anymore. Maybe it was just the baby kicking.

We went down to the car and I drove us home. I still didn't notice anything.

I pulled into the driveway of our house and grabbed our stuff. I unlocked the door and we went inside.

"I have to pee." JJ said, taking off her jacket. "Didn't you have to pee like 10 minutes ago?" I laughed. "Yes. And this baby is jumping on my bladder so now I have to pee again."

JJ went to the bathroom and I went upstairs to change out of my work clothes.

JJ came up to our bedroom too, taking off her work clothes aswell. "Look at my belly." She said, sticking it out to me.

You could clearly see something moving inside of it, even from the outside. Like an alien. "I'm a soccer ball now." She said, a little proudly, which I thought was funny.

"That's very cool sweetheart." I laughed, kissing her cheek. She stripped from the rest of her clothes, throwing on one of my t shirts.

"I'm going to take a nap." She said, crawling into bed. "Okay, baby." I bent down next to her and kissed her forehead. I pulled the covers over her a little more. "I love you." I whispered, before walking out of the room and turning off the lights.

12:00 pm
After a few hours I went back up to check on JJ. When I went into the bedroom she looked a little off.

She was cuddling my pillow with the blankets pulled way over her. Her face was flushed and sweaty. She looked like she was still asleep, but she was groaning softly.

"Jen?" I knelt down next to the bed. "You feeling okay?"

I pressed the back of my hand to her forehead. Her eyes started to open the tiniest bit.

"Hey." I ran my fingers through her hair. "Wake up love."

I pulled the blanket back and noticed the sheets were all wet.

Crash & Burn x Jemily Where stories live. Discover now