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June 2nd, 3:30 am
"Get out of my house. Go find somewhere else to sleep tonight." My mom yelled. "You can't do that!" My head was spinning and I felt like I was going to pass out. "I can do whatever I want. It's my house. Now get out and come back when you've got some sense in that idiotic little head of yours. Nobody wants you!"

I was crying hard as I ran through the front door. I didn't take anything with me. I didn't even have my shoes on. I just ran.

I ran down the street, turning random corners. I had no idea where they led. It took me five minutes to realize it was raining outside and my clothes were getting soaked.

"What the hell are you doing kid? You're crazy!" Some random man yelled at me. I didn't stop. I kept on running.

After almost 20 minutes of running, I had no idea where I was. It was dark, and the rain made it impossible to tell what anything was.

I was so cold from the wet clothes and my feet hurt from running with no shoes. I looked around the street where I was standing. It was deserted.

I sat down on the sidewalk, leaning against the glass window of a store.

I hugged my knees to my chest, laying on my side. I was shivering because I didn't even have a jacket. I started to wonder if god really was out there. If he would just take me right from the street and bring me to a new place. To death.

Rain. I heard rain. I sat up and realized I was in bed. This isn't my bed. Someone else is here. I don't belong here. Where am I?

I looked out the window and saw the rain. I'm supposed to leave now.

"Get out of my house!"

I have to leave. I have to go. I got up and ran out of the room. I went out the front door, not even closing it behind me. I have to leave.

I started running but I didn't know where to go. My clothes were getting wet and my feet hurt from the ground.

"You're going to hell! You know that? Do you know what it's like to know that I'm not going to see my daughter in heaven?!

The rain was splashing in the streets. This isn't right. Where am I going? This doesn't make sense.

"Nobody wants you!"

I stopped running, collapsing to the ground. I could still see the place where I came from. I wasn't far.

"You're not my daughter! The only thing you are is a disappointment and a disgrace to this family name!"

I was so tired. I just wanted to go to sleep. My brain felt way too foggy and I couldn't breathe properly. What is happening?

3:30 am
I woke up when I heard the front door open. What the hell? It's 3am.

I saw JJ wasn't next to me anymore. I started getting worried. I got up, looking around the house. "JJ?" I yelled, checking everywhere I could think of.

"Jennifer!" I screamed. I saw the front door wide open. Shit shit shit. This isn't good.

I quickly slid on my shoes and a jacket, before running outside. "Jennifer!" I shouted, looking around.

I didn't see anyone. No one was walking the streets this late at night.

"JJ!" I kept yelling out for her, not caring if I woke anyone up. My voice isn't really that loud.

Why did she just run out like that? What happened? This doesn't make sense.

Just when I thought I might have been going the wrong way, I saw a flash of something running down the street.

Crash & Burn x Jemily Where stories live. Discover now