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11:00 am
After we left the doctors office, we decided to go get a stroller. JJ said we should go to pottery barn, because apparently she loves that place.

On our way she ended up falling asleep in the car, and I didn't want to wake her.

After around 10 minutes of sitting in the parking lot, she started to move. "Welcome back." I chuckled.

She rubbed her eyes, looking around. "How long was I asleep?" She asked. "Around half an hour in total. You ready to go?"

"Yeah." She nodded, opening the car door and getting out. We headed inside, and JJ was immediately intrigued by everything.

We picked out the stroller first, which was pretty easy because JJ already knew which one she wanted to get. It was the same brand as the car seat and it was supposed to be really good.

After that we started looking at dressers. We both ended up picking out one that was white, and matched the rest of the furniture.

JJ pulled me to another row. "It's a rocking chair. Do you like it?" She asked me. It was a grey chair, that looked pretty nice. "Yeah I like it." I smiled at her.

"You can feed the baby in it." She said. "JJ my boobs are empty. I don't think I can feed the baby." I laughed. "Feed it bottles you idiot." She rolled her eyes.

The last thing we ended up getting was a baby carrier. "I think you'll look great with a baby attached to you." JJ smiled at me. "Just you wait. This baby is going to love me." I replied.

"Well I created it inside of me and I'm going to have to shove it out so it better love me too." JJ said. "Oh I'm sure our baby is going to love you. You're JJ. Everyone loves you."

We left the store after getting everything, and then stopped for lunch before driving back home.

10:00 pm
I was headed upstairs after I finished cleaning up the kitchen. When I went into our room I saw JJ standing in front of the full length mirror. She had just a sports bra on, holding two different shirts in each hand. That's when I noticed something.

I walked inside, taking the shirts from her hand. "What're you doing?" She asked me. "Turn to the side."

She turned, still confused. "Emily?" I kneeled down so I was eye level with her stomach. There was the slightest little bump. "That's our baby." I said, touching her stomach.

"Em I think that's the burrito I ate for lunch." She chuckled.

"No. I've seen your beautiful body more than a million times. I've memorized every dimple, curve, and scar. That right there, is our baby."

JJ looked in the mirror, a smile forming on her face. "You really think so?"

I got up, kissing her gently. "Yes. That's our baby."

April 20th, 6:50 am
Its been a few weeks, and JJ is about 11 weeks pregnant now. She's almost out of her first trimester, which means she's going to tell the team soon. I tried to get her to just tell the team now, but she was insistent on waiting.

It's Monday again, so back to work. I managed to drag JJ out of bed, and convince her to get ready.

"You ready to go?" I ask, after we finished putting on our shoes. She nodded and we both got into the car.

When we got to the building, we walked inside the bullpen and saw everyone gathering around. "Good you're here." Derek said. "We're supposed to meet in the briefing room in..." He checked his watch. "7 minutes."

"Did he tell you anything about the case?" JJ asked. "No." Spencer shook his head.

We waited until it was time and all headed into the briefing room. Penelope explained the case to us rather quickly. We were headed to Augusta, Maine. Not too far.

Crash & Burn x Jemily Where stories live. Discover now