60 (Epilogue)

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3 years later
"Alright! Get her!" I smiled, lifting Olivia into our bed. The three year old scrambled over to JJ, getting right in her face.

"Ohhh be nice!" JJ groaned, burying her face into the pillow. "Mommy wake up! It's time to play!" She shrieked, pressing her tiny hands to JJ's cheeks.

"It's bedtime." JJ sighed. "No! It's time to play!" Olivia insisted, her long blonde hair falling into JJ's face.

"You promised baby." I pulled JJ up from bed, wrapping my arms around her waist and kissing her.

Olivia jumped from the bed into my arms. I set her on the floor in front of me. "When the baby get here?" She asked, patting JJ's growing belly.

"Soon. 2 more months." JJ lifted Olivia up and rested her on her stomach. I immediately took her from JJ and held her myself. "No lifting heavy things. Doctors orders." I told her, adjusting Olivia on my hip.

"But I miss my baby!" She whined, pressing two kisses to Olivia's cheeks. "She's too heavy. Because she's getting so ginormous!" I smiled, lifting her up into the air. She squealed, kicking her feet up and down.

I set her down and she held onto JJ's hands. "Mommy play?"

"Yeah. Let's go play." She took her hand and led her downstairs.

I went into my office, finishing up some work I still had left. After around 2 hours I went downstairs into the living room where they both were.

JJ was laying flat on her back in the middle of the carpet. Olivia was sitting on top of her, running a toy car along her face.

"And what do we have here?" I asked, kneeling down in front of them. "I'm not holding her." JJ said defensively. "I'm laying down."

"Mommy my race track!" Olivia ran her car down her neck and across her shoulders.

JJ sighed, her eyes threatening to shut. "Tired already?" I chuckled. "Shut up. Having a human being inside of you is exhausting."

I smiled, lifting Olivia off of her. "I think mommy needs to go to sleep." I sighed, tousling her hair. "I'll play with you."

"It not night?" She looked at JJ curiously. "It's mommy's nap time. Say night night." I waved my hand at JJ. "Night night!" Olivia squealed.

"Can you give mommy a kiss?" I leaned her forward and she kissed JJ. Then she squirmed out of my arms and onto the floor.

"I give baby kiss." She pressed her lips to JJ's stomach, kissing it softly. "Oh thank you sweetie." JJ smiled, brushing back some of her hair.

"I'll come up after she goes for her nap." I kissed JJ. "I love you."

"I love you too." JJ smiled. "I love you three!" Olivia shouted, jumping back into my arms. JJ kissed her one last time before heading upstairs.

2 hours later
I walked into our bedroom where JJ was laying down. "Is she asleep?" She asked softly. "Only one story and she was out." I responded.

I sat down on the edge of the bed, stroking her hair. "You get any sleep?"

"A little." JJ sighed, running her hands over her belly. "But then this one started kicking me like crazy. She hates when I'm happy."

"In a couple months she'll be here and then she can kick you from the outside like Olivia." I grinned, sliding behind her.

I gently stroked her belly, pressing a kiss behind her ear. "That feels good." JJ mumbled, her eyes drooping shut again.

"Alright, try and go back to sleep. I've got you." I whispered, kissing her head.

"Emily?" She mumbled, sleepily. "Yeah baby?"

"Remember 4 years ago we were sitting on the bathroom floor and you told me that one day I'd be so incredibly happy? Happy I lived?"

"I do remember that." I smiled.

"I'm happy I lived."
The end

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