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2 weeks later
March 16th, 6:37 am
Today is JJ's first day back to work. I can tell she's nervous, even though she claims she isn't. She took the psych eval about a week ago and luckily she passed.

I've been back at work for about 2 weeks, and we only went on one case.

I tried to convince her to not go back into the field because she's pregnant, but she said she wanted to. She agreed she would stop when she told the team.

We were in the car right now on our way to the bau. "It's gonna be fine." I assured her, as her hands nervously ran up and down her leg.

"I know that." She said. "I'm not nervous."

"Okay. Whatever you say." I smiled, pulling into the parking garage. We got out of the car and headed to the elevator.

We got to the floor and JJ finally walked through the bau doors for the first time in what I'm sure felt like forever.

Almost everyone was already there, minus Tara. We saw Hotch in his office, and Spencer sitting next to Derek on his desk. Rossi was down, and even Garcia was out of her bat cave.

The second they saw her they all jumped up. "JJ!" Garcia squealed, running over and hugging her tightly. "We missed you!! A month is wayyyy to long without our resident blonde badass."

"I missed you guys too." JJ smiled, going around and hugging everyone. She had recently gotten the cast off, so now it's just a brace.

"It's good to have you back kid. It wasn't the same without you." Rossi said. "Wasn't fun for me either. Laying around the house gets very boring after so long." She chuckled.

"Speaking of which, when do we get to see the new place?" Derek asked. JJ looked over at me. "Anytime." She said. "Even today."

Just as she said that Hotch came out of his office. "Round table now." He announced. "Okay maybe not today." JJ laughed. "When we get back?"

"Can't wait." He said, as Spencer and Garcia agreed.

March 28th, 9:50 pm
Tomorrow we were inviting the team over to finally see our house. The last case had ended up being way too draining and nobody wanted to do anything, so we ended up staying home.

They were coming over tomorrow morning. JJ wasn't super thrilled, but she was okay with it.

Right now we were laying in bed, and the show we were watching just ended.

JJ was a little spacey, not really paying attention to anything.

"Watcha thinking about?" I asked, rubbing her arm. She was laying on top of me with her head tilted slightly to the side. She just shrugged, not looking up.

I can tell whenever JJ's going to have a rough night, and today is most likely going to be one of them.

I placed my hand on her stomach, running my thumb over it. She shifted a little like it was hurting.

I looked at the waistband of her sweatpants and saw they were tied in a tight knot.

"Jayje these are way too tight." I said, pulling at the string and untying them. "It's fine." She mumbled, curling her legs up.

I rested my hands on her belly again. "The baby's as big as a raspberry right now." I told her. She smiled softly. "That's small."

"It is, but it's still pretty cool." I said, kissing her head. "You ready to go to bed?"

"Yeah." She said, snuggling closer to me. "Goodnight em." "Goodnight JJ."

1:30 am
"No! Get off me! Get off!"

Crash & Burn x Jemily Where stories live. Discover now