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Olympia hospital, 10:45 am
When I woke up I had no idea how much time had passed. I looked around to see where I was, and quickly realized I was in a hospital bed.

I pulled myself up slightly. "JJ!" I was still waking up, so I looked around the room to see where the voice was coming from.

It was Penelope. She and Hotch were the only people in the room. They got up, walking over to my bed. "Where's Emily?" I asked her. I wanted to see her. When Penelope failed to answer me, Hotch said something. "She'll be here soon. She's okay, just waiting for official results before they'll let her go."

"What happened?" I asked, just as a doctor walked into the room. "You passed out." Penelope told me. "I told the doctors that they should've checked your head better!"

"I'm Dr. Taylor." The man said, shaking all of our hands. When he shook my hand I realized there was something in my arm. It was an IV. I looked to the bag it was attached to. No no no.

"Take this out." I said. "I don't need it."

"If you want to walk out of here anytime soon, I think you do need it." He said, resting my arm back down. I wanted to rip it out.

"Coincidently, your head injury actually has nothing to do with why you passed out. Your head should be fine." He told me. "See. I'm fine." I said, looking over to the two of them.

"Then why did she pass out?" Hotch asked. "Most likely a mix of things. Stress and dehydration is a big factor."

"I just need to drink more water. I'm fine. Can I go?" I asked him. "Well there's some other causes too. We ran your blood work, which showed severe nutrient deficiency and electrolyte imbalance."

"What causes that?" Penelope asks. "There's many things. Losing fluids like consistent vomiting, or exercising without enough water are a couple. Or just not eating enough. It's not very serious, all of it can be fixed with proper nutrition."

"Ok great. I'll eat more vegetables and drink more water. Can I please go now?" I needed to get out of here. "Not quite yet. After your IV finishes you can. It should only take a few hours." Dr. Taylor said, before leaving the room again.

I do not want to be here for hours. I don't want that bag either. It'll probably make me gain weight. I don't need that. I want Emily. I want to go home.

I lay back down, turning to the side. I'm hoping Garcia and Hotch will leave or just not question me. Of course I'm wrong.

"What's going on with you JJ?" Penelope asks me. "I don't drink enough water. It's a serious problem." I roll my eyes. I'm not trying to be mean, but it just came out.

She doesn't quit though. "You had no food in your system! You've been acting different too."

"It was a super crazy day I just forgot." I sighed. I closed my eyes, hoping she would just drop it.

"Well then you can eat now. I'll go get you something." Penelope says. My stomach hurts just thinking about it. "I'm not really hungry. I'll eat later."

"You need to eat something for gods sake!" Penelope
says. "Where's Emily?" I ask quietly, changing the subject. I think I already asked that but maybe if I ask again the answer will change.

"She'll be here soon. JJ you really need to eat something." Hotch says. "I will eat. When Emily gets here." I said simply.

"Why?" Penelope asked. Why can't she just drop it?
"I want to see Emily" I stated. "Oh my god that is the third time you've said that! Why are you acting like this? What, do you have an eating disorder or something!" Penelope exclaims.

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