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"Will you marry me?"

Nobody dared to say a word. Even Hotch stood there, stunned. I was ready to go over and knock the shit out of him, but I practiced self control.

I think JJ stood there for about 3 minutes, jaw nearly on the floor.

Finally she spoke. "I..uh.. no."

He stood up, looking pretty shocked. Like wow, his girlfriend that dumped him, over a year ago, didn't want to marry him? Crazy!

"What?" He asked, sticking the ring back in his pocket. "Did you think I'd say yes!?" She exclaimed. "Will we broke up a year ago! I don't love you like that anymore. Honestly I don't know if I ever did."

She started to walk away, but he grabbed her wrist to stop her. That's when I finally walked up, along with Hotch.

"Let go." I said, pulling JJ back. He didn't let go, he gripped he tighter. "You've got to be kidding me!" He shook his head. "You and this dyke lasted? Some sick joke."

"Let go!" JJ repeated, finally pulling away. "I see why you said no. You forgot what it's like to be with a real man. Here, let me show you." He smirked, as he went to grab her waist. "Don't make me tie you up again Jennifer. Given how you screamed last time I don't think you liked it very much." He said it only loud enough that JJ, Hotch, and me could hear.

I couldn't stop the anger that flowed through me in that second. Without even thinking about it, I leaned forward and punched him square in the nose.

He fell back, as blood dripped down her face. He looked at me, like he was scared to get up. I felt the immediate stinging in my hand but I just ignored it.

Hotch reached out his hand to help Will up. Will grabbed it and got to his feet again.

Then shocking all of us, Hotch grabbed him by the collar and shoved him up against the wall. "I want you to listen to me very carefully. If you ever touch one of my agents again I will make what Emily just did to you look like a trip to Disneyland. Nod if you understand."

Will nodded frantically, looking almost like he was about to cry. "I'm giving your name and picture to every security guard in this place so if you ever try and set foot in here again you won't last 2 seconds. If you ever make an attempt to contact agent Jareau or meet with her, I'll personally foresee that a bullet goes straight through your head."

Will nodded again, as Hotch finally let him down. He bolted for the stairs, and I could hear him sprinting away.

JJ leaned against the wall, her face red as she tried to catch her breath. Before anyone could say anything she ran off to the bathroom.

Hotch and me looked at each other. "Did she ever tell you about her relationship with Will?" He asked me quietly. "Believe me if she ever told me anything even close to that I would have shot him dead years ago."

He swallowed thickly. "You guys can go for the day." I nodded. "Thanks."

I went after JJ to the bathroom. I walked in, shutting the door behind me. JJ had her hands on the sink, leaning forward and staring downwards.

"Jen?" I asked softly, walking towards her. I placed my hand on her back but she didn't look up. I pulled her into a hug which she accepted.

I rubbed her back with one hand and held her tightly with the other. "Hotch said we can go home early today. You want to go?"

She nodded yes, still hugging me tightly. "Alright sweetie. Let's go." I held her hand and we walked out together. We walked to the elevator, and saw people had gone back to their desks, probably because Hotch had ordered them to.

Crash & Burn x Jemily Where stories live. Discover now