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December 26th, 5:45 am
Of course our first case after the holidays was only 6 hours after Christmas officially ended. Fun.

After I got the call from Hotch I dragged JJ out of bed, which was more difficult than usual. She's grumpy when she's hungover.

We were now sitting in the car on our way to the bau. She was sulking, and practically inhaling the coffee she had in her travel mug.

"Feel any better?" I smiled, squeezing her shoulder. "I wumf te slurf." She mumbled, banging her head into the window. "I'm going to take that as a no."

9:45 pm
This case was relatively local, in Richmond, Virginia. It was too far to drive home and back though, so we had to stay in a hotel.

Hotch had led us go for the night, and we had made a lot of progress. It was strange though, because the unsub was leaving behind a lot of clues. It makes him look like he's sloppy. It almost seems like he wants to get caught.

We had just arrived to the hotel and I was sharing with JJ, per usual. I unlocked the door and quickly checked the room, before letting JJ inside and throwing my stuff on the floor.

JJ went into the bathroom and I quickly changed into my pajamas. JJ came out and wrapped her arms around my neck, swinging slightly. "We're making good progress. Maybe we'll be home by New Years." She smiled at me. "Yeah.."

"What's wrong?" She asked, noticing the change in my voice. "I don't know. It feels too easy. If we do catch him in the next few days who knows what he's planning."

JJ buried her nose in my shoulder, inhaling my leftover perfume. "Let's hope nothing." She sighed. "Maybe we'll have a normal good ending to a case for once."

"Yeah. Let's hope." I leaned down and kissed her cheek. "Cmon. Bedtime."

We flopped down on the bed together and I pulled the covers over us. "Goodnight Emily." JJ whispered, sleepily. "Goodnight jayje. I love you."

December 27th, 6:50 am
I was woken up by a phone call from Hotch, that was very surprising. They had caught the unsub. The local PD had him cornered at an abandoned store, but he was inside and refusing to come out, and he had hostages. I knew this case wasn't going to be super simple.

I woke JJ and we quickly got dressed, and packed up our stuff, before heading to the car. I drove to the site as fast as I could.

We arrived and saw Derek and Reid getting out of their cars. It looks like nothing had really changed at the scene. "How many hostages?" I asked, strapping on my vest. "I think 3. 2 women and a man." Hotch responded.

1 hour later
This was getting nowhere. We had gotten the unsub on the phone, his name was Jake Mali. Everything he said was vague, and when we asked about the hostages, he literally said nothing.

Just as we were all convinced we were going to be here all day, we heard jakes voice on the phone. "I'm sending them out. All 3." He said, before hanging up.

Everyone looked at each other, and then the door. Sure enough we saw 3 people walk out of the store. Swat rushed them away, and we all saw Jake in the window, before he was gone.

"This guys suicidal. He doesn't think he's making it out of here alive." Rossi said. "Alright JJ go right Reid left. Morgan, Prentiss go from the front with swat." Hotch announced, as we got ready to storm the building.

We started to move, and right as I saw JJ hit the right wall, everything went black.


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