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Atlanta, Georgia
February 2nd, 9:00 am
"All of these victims were raped and stabbed repeatedly, all before they were shot in the chest three times. What's that show?" Hotch asked. "Overkill. Victims were probably long dead after the first or second stab. The rest was out of anger." I said.

We had flown in for a case this morning. It was very early, and Emily basically dragged me out of bed. We had 10 dead victims already. Blonde and blue eyed. That always gave me the creeps, but it was pretty common. Now we were at the police station, going over what we had.

"JJ? How would you feel about doing a press conference?" Hotch asked me. "Already? We just got here." Spencer intervened. "Yeah true, but we already have 10 dead women. We were called on way later than usual. I don't think it's too early." I said.

"Okay then we'll set it up later today. Right now, Emily go with Derek down to the M.E's, and find out what you can. JJ and Reid go talk to the victims families. Tara you're on the geographical profile with Rossi." He announced. We all nodded, and I headed to the car with Reid.

The first victims house we went to, was Michelle Cole. She was 32, and married with no kids. All of the victims were between 20-35.

We pulled into the driveway, and Spencer knocked on the door. A man opened it. "Hello?"

"Hi I'm SSA Jennifer Jareau and this is Dr. Spencer Reid. We're with the fbi, are you Michelle's husband?" I pulled out my badge to show him. "Uh yeah. Yeah I'm Terry Cole. Michelle and I were married for 6 years."

"I'm so sorry for your loss. Do you think it'd be okay for us to ask you a few questions?" I asked. "Yeah sure. Come on in." He said, opening the door for us. We both walked in, taking a seat in the living room. "So what do you want to know?"

"What was Michelle like? Did she have any enemies? Anyone who might possibly want to hurt her?" Reid asked him. Terry let out a sad laugh. "Michelle have enemies? God no. She was the sweetest girl alive. She did volunteer work to build houses for the poor. God, no one hated her. She was so sweet."

"Around the time of her disappearance did you notice anything different? Was she acting weird, or was anyone acting weird toward you?" I asked him. He shook his head. "It was just a normal day. Everything was fine when I left for work, and then I came home and she was gone. She was just gone..." Tears formed in his eyes. "My wife was gods gift on earth. How could someone do this to her?"

"That's what we're trying to figure out." I said. "Thank you so much for your time. If you remember anything, call us." I handed him my card as we walked to the door. "Again we're so sorry for your loss." "Thank you." He nodded. Reid and I got back in the car.

"Well that doesn't help us too much. That man didn't kill his wife, and I don't think he killed those 9 other women either." I said. "You're right." Reid agreed. "I don't think he's a killer. But it did tell us something. From what I've read all the victims seem like model citizens. They were "angels" and "pure souls". People said nobody would want to hurt them."

"So our unsub has a type. He wants to hurt good people." I sighed. "As evil as if sounds, I think that's the case." Reid said, as we started the drive to the next family.

9:00 pm
It had taken us all day to talk to all the victims families, and we had just gotten back to the police station. "JJ." Hotch said, as we entered the room. "The press conference is set up for tomorrow morning. Everyone be here at 7. Go back to the hotel, get some sleep." He released us.

I walked to the car with Emily, because we were sharing a hotel like usual. "Are you okay?" She asked, starting the car. "Yeah I'm fine. Why?" I said simply. "You seem a little off. These cases always seem to bug you." She observed. "I'm fine Em. Really. Don't worry."

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