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May 11th, 7:40 am
"What if we don't tell them? We can see how long it takes them to notice." JJ giggled. We were on our way to work discussing how to tell the team we were engaged.

"Penelope will most likely notice the second she sees you." I smiled. "It'll be funny!" She protests. "Okay. Sure let's do it."

I pulled into the bau parking lot and we both got out, heading over to the elevator. When we walked into the bullpen, Penelope was already out, trying to break up some squabble between Derek and Reid.

"He's all talk Garcia." Spencer smirked. Derek knocked the side of Reid's head just as we entered the scene. "Ow! JJ he hit me!" He whined.

"Boys behave or I will ground you both."

Both of them pouted and made their way back to their own desks. "You seem extra happy this morning." Penelope noticed, looking JJ up and down.

That's when her eyes landed on the ring. "OH MY GOD. IT HAPPENED. IT FINALLY HAPPENED. HOTCH OWES ME $20!!" Penelope screamed, jumping up and down.

"What is all this screaming about?" Derek asked, as he and Spencer came back over. "JJ and Emily are getting married!!" She squealed.

JJ proudly showed off her ring, Tara and Rossi coming over to see what all the commotion was about. "You proposed?" They both asked me at the same time. "Yup." I nodded, leaning down and kissing JJ's head. "Lucky for me she actually said yes."

"Look at that rock." Rossi admired the ring. "Wow. You've really out done yourself this time kid." He chuckled. "Seriously JJ don't bring that thing anywhere near Savannah." Derek laughed.

Soon Hotch came down a little concerned, and everyone quickly explained all the screaming. "As beautiful as the ring is, you know the diamonds don't matter to me, right?" JJ asked me softly, as everyone was distracted. "You could've proposed with a ring pop and I would've said yes."

"I know." I smiled, kissing her forehead. "But I wanted to get it for you. You deserve it."

JJ kissed me again, right before Hotch came over to us. "Congratulations. Both of you." He actually smiled at us, which hardly ever happens. Then he pulled out his wallet, taking out $20 and handing it to Garcia. "A bets a bet." He sighed.

"You guys bet on us?" JJ asked. I was surprised Hotch took a bet at all, let alone someone's love life. "Yup." Garcia grinned. "I voted that you would propose before the baby got here, Hotch said after."

"I was actually on Hotch's side." Tara told us. "I really thought it'd be after."

"Well I for one was on my queen Penelope's side." Derek stood behind Penelope, resting his arms over her shoulders. "I knew there was no way you would wait that long."

"Wait so did everyone have a side?" I asked. "Definitely." Penelope laughed. "Hotch's side was him, Tara, Spencer, and the janitor. My side was me, Derek, Rossi, and Anderson."

"Anderson had a side?" JJ exclaimed. "Tom the janitor was in on it too?!" I laughed, shaking my head.

"Basically the entire floor was betting on it to happen. Everyone loves 'jemily'!" Garcia had a smirk on her face. "What the hell is 'jemily'?" I asked.

"It's Jennifer and Emily mashed together." Tara told us. "Penelope came up with it."

"Yeah! People use it when-" JJ stopped Garcia. "I don't really want to hear the rest of that."

6:30 pm
We just got home, both of us pretty tired. We ended up picking up takeout and eating it in the car because we were both hungry and didn't feel like cooking.

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