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May 20th, 4:45 am
"Anyone know why we're here at the asscrack of dawn?" I groaned, walking into the bullpen. "Why don't you take a guess?" Derek smirked.

"Briefing room now." We all heard Hotch announce. Rossi was already up there so Derek, Spencer, Tara, and me started walking. "Where's JJ?" Spencer asked. "She's usually here by now."

"She came here early." I said, as we walked inside. We all noticed JJ sitting up straight at the table. Her eyes were wide open staring into nothingness. "JJ?" Derek asked. "She's asleep." I chuckled, walking over to her.

"How the hell can she do that with her eyes open?" Tara asked. "Well statistically-" Spencer started to say, but Derek cut him off. "Pretty boy I love you but it's too early in the morning for this."

"JJ." I gently shook her. "Wake up."

She jolted awake, her eyes darting around the room. "Shit." She muttered, staring at the case in her hand. "Did I sleep through the briefing?"

"No don't worry. It's just about to start." I laughed, taking a seat next to her. Hotch told us all to shut up and Penelope presented the case.

We all exited the room and headed to our cars. This case was pretty normal. Well I mean there's nothing really 'normal' about serial killers, but there are less intense versions. This was normal for us.

JJ and I decided to drive together so she could leave her car here and not at the airstrip. "I'm so tired." She sighed, as she buckled her seatbelt.

"You've been here since 3am of course you're tired." I said, picking up her hand and kissing it. "You should sleep on the jet. Rest while you can."

"Yeah." She yawned, her eyes already closing. "Go to sleep. I'll wake you when we get there." I smiled to myself, as she was already fast asleep.

May 24th 11:39 pm
"JJ you haven't eaten all day. You have to eat something now."

We walked through the front door, finally home from the case. JJ rolled her eyes at me. "You know I'm leaving this week. I can't have to force it down your throat everyday." I know I was being rude, but we were both in a really bad mood.

"Then don't! Just leave me alone!" She yelled at me. "I can't deal with this. So fine. I will!" I yelled back. "I'm going home." She scoffed, getting her phone to call a taxi. She went through the front door, slamming it behind her.

I feel awful. I shouldn't have yelled at her like that. I just came home annoyed and I took it out on her. I'm leaving for almost a week tomorrow. I'm going back to England to help on an old case of mine.

I want her to be okay while I'm gone. I need her to be okay. Now I'm afraid I might have just made it worse.

I'll give her time to cool off. If I try and talk to her now I know she'll blow up at me. I'll talk to her when I get back.

Bristol, England
May 30th, 2:39 pm
It's finally Friday. I've been in England for almost a week but I'm flying back tomorrow. I'm worried about JJ. I've tried to call her a few times but she never picks up.

The case I was working ended quickly. We had caught the guy who escaped after he charged a stolen credit card. Idiot.

I'll see JJ tomorrow when I get back and tell her I'm sorry for snapping. God I hope she's okay.

The next day
I was waiting in the airport terminal for them to call my flight. I felt my phone ring. My heart leaped when I thought it might be JJ calling me back.

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