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6 months later
December 2nd, 8:09 am
"JJ let's goooo." I yelled, just as she came running down the stairs. I handed her a travel mug of coffee. "This is why I love you." She grinned.

We both put on our coats before running out to my car. JJ and I haven't moved in officially, but I don't think she's been to her own house in months. I'm going to actually ask her soon. When it feels right.

She's gotten a lot better. Everything's gotten a lot better. I really think she's happier now. I warm up the car because it's freezing outside, and started the drive to the bau.

We still hadn't told the team about us. I'm pretty sure deep down everyone kinda knows, but they just don't know they know.

When we got to the building JJ and I practically ran inside, trying to escape the cold. We rode the elevator and I quickly kissed her on the lips before the door opened.

We walked into the bullpen and I saw Hotch standing down there, which is unusual because he's usually locked up in his office all day. "Do we have a case?" JJ asked, as we walked up to him. "No not today." He responded. "Emily can I speak with you?" He asked.

"Sure." I nodded nervously, following him to his office. My mind ran through a million different possible reasons why he would want to see me, most of them worst case scenario.

He opened the door to his office, walking inside and shutting the blinds. I walked inside and saw the last person I was expecting. "Mother?"

"Emily dear. It's good to see you again." She said, in her usual cold tone. I didn't take it personally. I know it's not about me, it's just her voice.

"Yeah.." I looked at her up and down. "What are you doing here?"

"Well I was thinking... if you'd like.." I could tell she was trying to decide how to phrase what she was saying. "You could come to a fbi fundraiser gala that I'm hosting. Your team would all be welcome as well."

She gave me a small, hopeful smile. I looked to Hotch. "I'm in if you're in." He said, with an amused look. "Sure." I smiled. "I'll go."

"Great!" She clapped her hands together. "I'll send you all the information and the people who will fit you for a dress!"

"Sounds fun." I tried not to sound too sarcastic. "Goodbye Emily. I'll see you soon." She said, exiting the office.

I looked to Hotch again. "Did I really just agree to that?" I groaned. "Yup. I for one am excited to see Emily Prentiss in a fancy dress."

I rolled my eyes, walking back down to the bullpen. "Emily was that your mom?" Spencer asked me. "Yes it was. Also, how would you all feel about going to the fbi gala?" I laughed.

"For real? Drunk rich people are my favorite crowd." Derek grinned. "Why am I not surprised." I chuckled.

"I'm in." Tara said. Reid still looked skeptical. "Pretty boy if we're all going you're going too." Derek said. "Fine." He mumbled.

Everyone started to go back to their own thing. I walked with JJ until we were out of earshot from everybody. "So how would you feel about going?" I smiled. "You can be my unofficial official date."

"I would love to." She grinned. "I need to buy a dress though."

"You will take any excuse to buy a new dress." I laughed. "You're right. But this time I actually have a good one." She gave me a cheeky smile, before walking back up to her office.

December 13th, 2:39 pm
Today is Saturday, and the Gala is in exactly one week. That means we're getting dresses today. JJ, Penelope, and I are all going together. My mom hired someone to 'help us' even though I told her it was unnecessary. She did it anyways. She was also paying for everyone's dress, so I can't complain.

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