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December 23rd, 7:30 am
Christmas was in only two days. JJ and I haven't done much, just hung out at home a lot. I woke up a few minutes ago, and I was alone. JJ wasn't next to me like usual.

I climbed out of bed and started looking around. I checked everywhere. "JJ!" I called out, but I got no response.

I checked every single room and I couldn't find her. I was starting to panic when I saw a sticky note on the kitchen counter.

Went for a run - JJ

At first I was relieved, but then I started to get curious. Why was she going on a run so early? She usually doesn't do that anymore. The note also seemed a little cold, which isn't like her.

I realized I was probably just overthinking it. I made a pot of coffee and sat at the counter, scrolling through my phone. I tried calling her, but she didn't pick up. Odd. I decided to just wait, but I couldn't shake the uneasy feeling.

Around half an hour later JJ finally came home. She came through the front door, pulling her hair out of a ponytail. "Hey. You're back." I smiled, getting up. "Want some coffee?"

"No." She said, harshly. She took her earbuds out and threw them on the counter. "JJ? Is everything okay?" I asked her. "Yeah! Why wouldn't it be?" She said sarcastically. Her tone was angry. "JJ-"

Before I could say anything else she just walked upstairs. I heard the bedroom door slam shut, and then the shower turn on. Well this isn't good.

I have no idea why she's mad. Did I piss her off? Did we have a fight I just completely forgot about? I racked my brain for any holiday, birthday, or anniversary that I could have possibly forgotten. I couldn't think of anything.

I decided to make her food, because she was probably hungry. I made her oatmeal with blueberries and brown sugar because that's her favorite.

After the shower turned off I went up to the room, and knocked on the door. When she didn't answer, I opened it a crack. "JJ? Are you okay, baby?" Still no answer.

"Are you mad at me?" Nothing. "Did something happen?" I got crickets.

"Do you want me to leave you alone?" Still silence. I took that as a yes. "I made you some food. I'll leave it here. I'm going to come back in a little bit."

I left the bowl on the dresser. I walked out, shutting the door behind me.

I was worried about her, but I didn't know what to do. If she was mad she wasn't going to talk to me. I began to look around the house for what could have been the cause.

I found absolutely nothing. Well, I did find something. I was looking through the drawer of the guest room JJ used to keep her stuff in. All of it was in my room now, but I figured there had to be something.

I found a little black journal in the closet. I figured it probably had nothing to do with what was going on now, because it was shoved all the way in the back and had a layer of dust on it.

I didn't read it obviously because I wouldn't invade her privacy like that. I threw it down on the bed, pretty much forgetting about it.

I continued to look for something that might be relevant to today, and I came up empty handed.

I gave up, figuring there wasn't anything to be found.  I waited for around 30 minutes before going back up to the room.

I opened the bedroom door a crack, and saw her laying in bed. The lights were off and there was only dim lighting coming from the window. The bowl I left hadn't been touched, so she hadn't eaten anything.

Crash & Burn x Jemily Where stories live. Discover now