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"You haven't see them yet." She whispered. "I don't need to see them to say that you're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen."

JJ laid on my shoulder for a few minutes, thinking. "I love you Emily." She said softly. "I love you too JJ."

Just as I finished talking she gagged, quickly leaning over the toilet and throwing up again. She'd thrown up everything she'd eaten today so it's just bile at this point.

I pressed my hand to her forehead again to feel her temperature. "Do you want to try the shower now?"

She nodded, and I helped pull her up. I turned on the shower so it was just cold enough. "I'm going to go get you some new pajamas." I said, realizing the ones she was wearing now had vomit on them.

She quickly took them off, getting in the shower as fast as she could. I tried not to stare at her, but even then I could see the scars. There was a lot more than I thought.

I took the clothes and put them in the hamper, finding some new ones and bringing them into the bathroom.

Around 5 minutes later JJ stepped out of the shower wrapped in a towel. She quickly dried herself off and changed into the pajamas I brought in.

"Did that help at all?" I asked her. "A little." She nodded. "Do you want to try and get back in bed, or stay here?"

"Here." She said quickly. "Okay. Let's see if you can get a little bit of sleep."

I sat back down on the floor, and wrapped the blanket around JJ. She leaned back into my arms, shutting her eyes. Soon she fell back asleep.

I didn't though. I wasn't even tired. I just sat and watched her breathing. After she was asleep for around half and hour, I eventually dozed off.

Surprisingly she slept for almost a full hour. She woke up from a nightmare at around 4am, and then fell back asleep. At 5:30am she started throwing up again and then at around 7am she had a nightmare and couldn't stop throwing up.

At 7, I was up for good but JJ fell back asleep. I hoped that would be the last time tonight. I decided she'd probably sleep better in the bed so I scooped her up in my arms and carefully laid her down. I pulled some covers over her and let her sleep.

I went downstairs and sat in the living room so I wouldn't wake her up. It was around 9am now, so she was probably going to wake up soon anyways.

I heard my phone ringing and saw that it was Hotch. I answered the phone. "Hey. You do know I'm off cases right now right?"

"Hey Emily. I know. I called to see how JJ was doing." He responded. I let out an exasperated sigh. "I trust that if I tell you this you won't go gossiping to the team?"

"Of course not." He said. "Was it that bad?"

"Yes. It's kind of going terrible. We both spent the entire night on the bathroom floor because she couldn't stop throwing up. She couldn't sleep for more than an hour at a time because she would wake up screaming from a nightmare or throwing up. Or both. Her fever got high in the middle of the night so I forced her to take a cold shower around 2. It helped for a little bit but that's it. I put her back in bed at around 7 and she hasn't woken up yet."

"Oh god." He sighed. "That's awful."

"Hotch she's in so much pain and I can't do anything about it. Am I supposed to just sit here and watch her suffer?"

"I think right now the only thing you can do it be there for her. Remind her you're not going anywhere. I know it sucks but you can't do much else."

"You're right. It does suck."

Crash & Burn x Jemily Where stories live. Discover now