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February 26th, 6:45 pm
It's been a little over a week since Will had called me saying something happened to JJ. I went over there a couple times, after work when Will wasn't there.

We didn't talk, we just watched movies and she cuddled with me. She's been acting super weird lately. Her breath always smells like peppermints, which is new, and it also stops me from telling if she had been drinking.

She hasn't told me what happened, but I know she will. It's just a matter of time. I'm going to see her tonight though. Rossi his hosting his usual dinner party, and everyone's going. Penelope, Tara, Derek, Spencer, Hotch, Beth, JJ, and Will.

I should be leaving soon. I just got out of the shower and washed my hair, so I could look half decent. I picked out a pair of jeans and a sweater since it wasn't work. I changed and then blow dried my hair, deciding to leave it down.

I put on a little bit of makeup, and then grabbed my stuff and left to the car.

When I got there it was around 7:15, and people had just started arriving. Derek and Spencer were there, along with Tara. "Emily!" Derek said, coming over and hugging me. "I though you weren't going to show."

"Relax I'm 5 minutes late. And it's not like I totally didn't see you this morning." I smiled. We talked for a few minutes, until there was a knock at the door. It was Hotch and Beth. "Hey guys! It's good to see you all!" Beth said, walking around and hugging all of us.

Only a couple seconds later there was another knock. This time it was JJ and Will. The team hadn't seen JJ in almost 3 weeks, and she still wasn't physically cleared.

"JJ!" Spencer said excitedly, hugging her carefully. "We've missed you Pennsylvania petite." Derek grinned. "I've missed you guys too." She smiled. She hugged Tara, and shook hands with Hotch.

She chatted with Tara and the guys while I talked to Beth for a little while. Finally, the last guest arrived. The one and only Penelope Garcia. Derek opened the door and she came inside. "Hey guys sorry I'm so late there was sooo much traffic-" She turned and saw JJ. "Oh my gosh god has answered my prayers it's our sweet angel in the flesh and blood!" She squealed, running to JJ and hugging her.

"I've missed you Penelope." JJ laughed. "Oh believe me not as much as I missed you." Garcia said. "Do you know how hard it is not having anyone to gossip with?"

"Hey what about me baby girl." Derek fake pouted. "Who do you think we're gossiping about?" Garcia smiled, rolling her eyes. Pretty soon Rossi came out and told us that dinner was ready, so we all sat down to eat.

While we ate it was pretty normal. There was so many people it couldn't be awkward. Everyone made small talk and laughed. I wasn't sitting next to JJ and we really didn't say anything. The food was really good, and so was the wine. Everyone had a good amount so we were all a bit tipsy.

After dinner we all sat around the living room. JJ sat with Will on the couch. They were a very awkward distance apart, because JJ wouldn't let him touch her.

We were all talking and having fun, I almost forgot about the situation with JJ. It had been almost a full hour and it was starting to get late.

My attention was back on JJ when I noticed something. JJ was inching away from Will very slowly. Will looked annoyed, and placed his hand on her thigh. She flinched, immediately getting up. Everyone turned to look at them. "I uh- I'm getting a glass of water." JJ said, walking into the kitchen. Will got up and followed after her.

Everyone could here them arguing, but no one could make out the words. We didn't say anything, we all just stared at one another.

That was until it got louder. "Get away from me!" We all heard JJ shout. That was followed by a loud scream, and something falling to the floor.

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