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February 14th, 9:08 am
Today is Valentine's Day. We decided not to do anything this year, because it seemed like too much stress on JJ.

What happened last night concerned me a little bit. She had a nightmare and she didn't wake me up. Did that happen a lot? Was she having more nightmares than I thought?

JJ started to shift in bed and I realized she was waking up. She opened her eyes, blinking at the morning sunlight that came through the window.

"Good morning beautiful. Happy Valentine's Day." I smiled, kissing her gently. "Happy Valentine's Day." She said softly, rubbing her eyes.

1:30 pm
"Emily come here." I heard JJ call from the living room. I walked from the kitchen and sat on the couch next to her. "Yes?"

She had her laptop in front of her, and she handed it to me. "I was looking at car seats. I think this is the best one."

I scrolled through the page for a few minutes, reading the reviews and the safety features. "I think you're right. Let's get it."

She nodded and I ordered it online. JJ tapped her fingers against her leg. I set the computer on the coffee table. "What's wrong?"

She shrugged. "We actually bought something. It feels... like it's real now."

I kissed her head. "It is real. And it's pretty cool too." I smiled. She laughed softly, leaning into my arms.

4 days later
February 18th, 12:26 pm
"I know you don't want to go but we have to baby." I sighed, pretty much dragging JJ into the car. Today was her first therapy appointment, and she wasn't excited.

JJ's been doing a little better. The throwing up is now limited to about once a night. The nightmares I'm not really sure about. I figured out that she has nightmares often but she just won't wake me up. Unless I wake up myself, she'll never tell me if they even happened.

"This is stupid." She whined, as I started the car. "Jayje it's either this or going to a bureau therapist. And those people can report on you to Hotch."

She sighed and pressed her forehead into the window. "Just go a couple times to see if it helps at all. Please JJ."

"Fine." She mumbled. I took her hand, and kissed it. I held her hand the whole rest of the drive, until we finally pulled into the parking lot.

JJ was about to open the door when she turned back to me. "Why can't you come with me?"

"You know why Jen. I'll be right here when you're done." I sighed. She got out of the car, and reluctantly walked into the building.

1 hour later
Right on time I saw JJ walking out and back to the car. She got in and buckled her seatbelt. "Can we go?"

"We're going." I said, starting the car. "Did it go okay?"

She shrugged, not saying anything. "Would you want to go back again?" I asked. She shrugged once more, still remaining silent.

I was getting a little worried. "Are you okay?" I asked her. Once again, nothing.

I almost turned the car around to go ask that doctor what the hell she did to my girlfriend, but I didn't. I realize she's probably just drained.

I didn't talk to her for the rest of the car ride, and we sat in total silence.

When we finally got home we both headed inside, JJ going to lay on the couch. I went into the kitchen, pouring a glass on orange juice.

JJ hasn't been eating as much as before, and Dr. Montgomery says that it might be a side affect of the prenatal vitamins. Either way I'm worried about it.

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