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2 months later
May 1st, 7:30 am
It's been 2 months since I kissed JJ. Not much stuff has happened. JJ came back to work soon after, and I think it made her a lot happier. The team was back to normal again. JJ however, was not.

She was good at her job, but she was also different. I could tell that something was wrong. She had only taken around 3 weeks off, and that was only so she was physically able to go back.

She likes to pretend the abduction never happened. She doesn't talk about it, and nobody else does either. Pretty much everybody forgot, or just moved past it.

I know JJ hasn't forgotten or moved passed it, she just thinks she has. She still wakes up screaming in the middle of the night. She hates being touched but tries to hide it. She hardly eats anything and will get upset if I try and force her.

We were both about to leave for work right now. "You got everything?" I asked her, opening the front door. "Yeah. Let's go."

We headed out to the car and drove the short distance to the bau. Her forehead was pressed against the glass the entire time, and she mindlessly stared out the window.

When we finally got there I started to get out of the car, but JJ didn't. "You go. I'm just going to stay for a few minutes. People will get suspicious if they think we're driving to work together everyday." She said softly.

We hadn't exactly told the team yet. Neither of us really wanted their opinion on it, so it seemed simpler not to.

"Are you sure?" I asked her. "Yeah. I'll be fine." She said, staring outwards again. "Okay. I'll see you in a little bit."

I shut the door and went inside the building. I could tell that the reason JJ stayed in the car wasn't so people didn't find out about us. I'm pretty sure it was so she could cry in silence without me being with her. If that's what she needs, I'm okay with that.

I walked through the glass doors and saw Morgan and Reid bickering with each other, per usual. I took a seat at my desk. "So where's your other half this morning?" Derek smiled.

"And who might that be?" I asked him. "Blondie who's been attached to your hip recently."

"I'm sure she'll be here soon. JJ's never late." I told them. It was true, JJ would be here soon.

I was correct, about 2 minutes before 8 o'clock, JJ walked into the bullpen. She didn't say anything, she just walked straight up to her office.

We didn't have a case today, so it was just paperwork. JJ didn't come out of her office the entire day.

At around 6pm Hotch told us we could go home. I went up to JJ's office and knocked at the door. "Come in."

"Hey." I said. "You ready to go?"

"Yeah." She got up, shutting the case file she was writing. We walked out together and down to my car.
JJ didn't say anything as we got in the car and started driving. I was getting worried about her.

When we got home I unlocked the door and set my stuff down. "There's leftover pasta in the fridge. Do you want to have that for dinner?"

"I'm not hungry." She sighed. "You have to eat something jayje. You haven't eaten all day. You're going to get sick."

"My stomach hurts." She lied. "Then maybe I should take you to the doctor." I said, getting the pasta out of the fridge. "I don't want to go to the doctor." "Then maybe you should eat something."

She laid her head on the island where she was sitting, and sulked. "Jen I can make you something else if you want. I can make you some rice or soup, but you have to eat something."

Crash & Burn x Jemily Where stories live. Discover now