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December 29th, 2:30 pm
JJ was fine now, and she was able to come home yesterday. She had a broken wrist and a few scratches but that was about it.

I noticed JJ had been upstairs for a while, so I went up to see what she was doing. I stood in the doorway of our bedroom and watched her. She was sitting in bed staring at her laptop.

I knocked on the door frame. She jumped, quickly shutting the laptop screen and looking nervous. "Hey..?" I said, walking in and sitting down on the bed.


"Watcha doing?" I asked her. She ran her hand over the cover of her computer. "Nothing."

"What's on the laptop?" I questioned her. She ran her hand through her hair. "It's just work... stuff. Yup. Some work stuff." She insisted.

"Mhm. Give me it." I said. She pulled away. "No."

"Why? What's on there that could possibly be so bad?"

"It's nothing." She said again, holding it tightly. "Let me see."




"Yes." I said, prying the laptop from her grip. I was intrigued now. JJ buried her face in her hands as I opened the laptop. "What's this?" I laughed.

JJ was looking at houses. "It's nothing." She groaned, not looking up. I thought it was funny how embarrassed she got over something so simple. We had even talked about getting a house, so it seemed normal.

"JJ." I smiled, guiding her face up to meet mine. "Stop laughing at me." She whined. "I'm not laughing at you baby. I'm just laughing over how embarrassed you are about it."

I pulled her closer to me and wrapped my arm around her waist. "We can look at them together." I said, starting to scroll through the website.

January 5th, 1:05 pm
It was officially the new year. JJ and I had celebrated at my place, and did all the usual stuff. It was fun, and I'm happy about the new year. With our job it's going to be interesting to say the least.

JJ and I were looking at houses now. We had already seen a few in person, and they were the ones that JJ picked out. I liked most of them, but I wasn't really sure what made a "good" house.

Today we're going to see one that I picked out. We were on our way there now. Honestly I cared more about what JJ thought than I did. Most of the houses feel the same to me.

"Emily are we almost there?" JJ asked me like a little kid, looking out the window. "Jayje we have been driving for like 5 minutes. But yes, we're close." I laughed. We were only considering houses that were close to the bau, so there wasn't a super wide radius.

Soon we were actually there. The relator told me she wasn't able to come today, but the door was unlocked so we could go inside.

I pulled into the driveway, and we both got out of the car. JJ looked around, as I led her inside. She stared at everything, and then looked back at me. "This is a joke right?"

"What? It's a nice house. It has room for our 37 hypothetical kids." I smiled. "Yeah you're right it does have room. Emily this place is massive." JJ shook her head. "Em I can't afford a place like this."

"Don't worry about it." I said, taking her hand and walking around. "If you like it, then let's make an offer."

JJ stared at me like a crazy person. "Of course I like it. It's like Barbie's fucking dream house. But we can't buy it."

"Yes we can." I stated simply. JJ crossed her arms. "Are you like filthy rich or something? And you didn't tell me?"

"I can afford this house, if you want to." I said, wrapping my arms around her waist and swinging slightly. "And how the hell can you do that?"

"I had another job before this. I still get the income. It's a long story and one I don't think I can legally tell you." I chuckled. "Oh my god." JJ said. "Were you a stripper??"

I couldn't stop myself from laughing. "No JJ I was not a stripper. It's nothing illegal either don't worry."

JJ sighed. "Well I do want to look around." She said, a small smile forming on her face. "Alright let me show you. I think you'll like it."

The house was pretty big, a lot larger than our previous ones. When you walked inside there was a foyer and the living room. If you keep walking there's the kitchen. It's a really nice kitchen and I think JJ liked that because she's into cooking.

The left side of the kitchen goes to the dining room, and the right side goes to the family room. There's a fireplace which was something I liked.

Near the family room was the guest bedroom, which looked out to the backyard.

There was sliding doors that led out to the backyard, which was huge. JJ told me once that she had always wanted a big backyard. It had a pool and a hot tub, along with and outdoor living room. There was a little bar area and a garden.

I said we should get a trampoline because our future kids would really like it. JJ told me I just wanted one for myself and no, because I'd crack my head open. I'm still fighting for one though.

Back inside you can go from the kitchen to the pantry, and then out to the garage.

There's two sets of stairs near the family room, one down and one up. Downstairs leads to the basement. It's completely furnished, and it has a little kitchen area and another living room. There's a wine cellar and an exercise room. There is a ping pong table, where I am going to kick Derek's ass. There's also a guest room and bathroom.

If you go up the stairs, it leads to the bedrooms. It had three spare bedrooms that could be turned into anything. The master bedroom has a huge bathroom and walk in closet. The upstairs also has the laundry room.

After we had seen everything I walked back downstairs with JJ. "So? What do you think?" I asked, spinning her around. "I love it." She smiled softly. "Good. Because I love you and I want you to love it."

I pulled her close to me and kissed her. "I can make an offer as soon as today. If we get it this will be our house."

"I think this being our house would be pretty awesome." She grinned. "Alright. Then it's settled."
I kissed her once more, and then went to call the realtor.

A/N: so there house was literally me describing my cousins house because they got hella money 🥲 ngl I'm jealous (also ik it's not realistic but they're rich because it's more fun)

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