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May 7th, 5:02 am
JJ and I walked into the bullpen, both extremely tired. Hotch had called us in about 10 minutes ago, and we had rushed over.

It was Wednesday, which is a day I have never really liked. It's not the beginning of the week when you still have energy, and it's not the end of the week where you can look forward to the weekend. It's just there.

I saw Morgan coming in, and we all sleepily made our way to the round table. Rossi, Reid, and Hotch were already sitting down. Penelope was getting the presentation ready, and Tara walked in only seconds after us. "Already everybody's here. Go ahead Penelope." Hotch announced.

"I hope you all took your crime scene pills this morning because this one's a doozy." Penelope started.

"We have six victims. 4 women and 3 men. All white, blonde, and 30-36 years old. They were found behind a local bar in Olympia, Washington. COD is a single gunshot wound to the head. So far we've found nothing connecting them in their personal lives."

"You guys can read the file on the jet." Hotch said. "Wheels up in 30."

Olympia, Washington, 11:57pm
Everyone had spent the entire day at the police station, starting to map out the new case. It was almost midnight already, so Hotch let us all go.

We were currently on our way back to the hotel. Hotch, Rossi, and Reid had taken one car, leaving JJ, Morgan, Tara, and me in the other one. We were all exhausted.

Morgan and Tara were up front with JJ and me in the back. JJ was practically asleep on my shoulder but it was too dark for anyone to notice.

When the car finally pulled up to the hotel I gently shook JJ awake. She was hardly awake as I dragged her out of the car and into the lobby. I quickly got our room keys and headed to the elevator.

JJ and I always shared a room. Neither of us had ever minded so it just worked out.

We made our way to the room and unlocked the door. JJ waited outside, asleep standing up and leaning her head on the doorframe.

I took my gun and quickly checked the room, under the bed, in the closet, everywhere. I made sure no one was there, before letting JJ in. This was a habit I picked up after an unfortunate incident a few years ago. Luckily nothing bad happened, but I like to be safe now.

I set down my bags down and so did JJ, before she crashed down on the bed. I changed out of my work clothes but I was too tired to do anything else.

I decided it would be easier to just change JJ for her rather than make her get up. She kind of just laid there and let me do it.

Once we were out of our work clothes I couldn't keep my eyes open. I crawled into bed next to JJ, wrapping the covers over both of us. "Goodnight baby. I love you." I whispered, kissing JJ's cheek. She was already fast asleep.

Olympia, Washington, 5:46am
I woke up to my phone going off. I quickly glanced at the time, and realized we only had around 5 hours of sleep.

I answered the phone sleepily. "Prentiss."

"It's Hotch. Everyone needs to get down to the station. There's another body." He told me. "Okay yeah. We'll be there in 20." I said, hanging up.

"JJ." I whispered, shaking her. "Wake up sweetie." She rolled over, rubbing her eyes. "What time is it?"

"Early. You need to get up though. We have to go down to the station. There's another body."

She groaned, getting out of bed. I headed into the bathroom, brushing my teeth and applying a very light layer of makeup.

When I came out JJ was already dressed, and headed into the bathroom. I picked out some black pants and a red tank top. I quickly got dressed and grabbed my jacket, before putting on my shoes.

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