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"Emily!" Elizabeth yelled to the sobbing 5 year old girl on the floor. "Get up right now!"

"No!" Emily cried, kicking her feet on the floor. "I want daddy!"

"Well daddy's dead. He's not coming back. I'm sorry emily you can't see him again." She said coldly. "Now get up off the floor. There are people we need to see. You are a big girl, you're too old to cry like this."

"I'm not going! I hate you!" Emily screamed. "Emily Elizabeth Prentiss get off the floor right now or I'll call jimmy over here and he'll pick you up and drag you over there."

Jimmy was the family's security guard, very much a father figure to Emily. He was a better one than her real father had ever been, no matter how much she loved him. Jimmy loved Emily too, and he cared about her.

Emily didn't move from her place on the floor. "I will count to three before I call him. 1..." The ambassador started to count, and neither of them moved. "2... 3!" When nothing happened she went and got Jimmy.

"Get her up we have to go." The woman said, as Emily continued to wail on the carpet. Jimmy toward over the both of them, as he was more than 6ft tall.

He knelt down, scooping Emily off the floor and cradling her in his arms. "Elizabeth go. I'll watch her." He said. "She needs to come with me." She responded.

"No she doesn't. I'll watch her. You can go." Jimmy said, as Emily began to cease her crying.

Elizabeth rolled her eyes, before eventually walking out of the room. "I want my daddy." The five year old whimpered, resting her head on the man's shoulder. "I know. I know you do."

He walked out of the room, and brought her to the garage. He buckled her into the car seat he had in his own car, due to driving her around more than her actual parents ever did.

He started the car and Emily was quiet the whole way. The sobbing was now just silent tears that flowed down her face.

When they arrived at the pond in the woods Jimmy took her out of the car, and held her on his hip. He reached into the trunk and pulled out a white helium filled balloon.

He handed it to her, and she gripped it tightly. "What are you doing?" She whispered, as Jimmy walked towards the edge of the lake. "Tell your daddy goodbye and put the message in the balloon. Then let it go and it'll fly to heaven. You're daddy will hear it there."

The little girl wiped her eyes with the back of her hand. "Goodbye daddy. I miss you." She cried, pressing a kiss the the balloon. "Now let it go. You're daddy will get it in heaven."

Emily released the ballon and waved goodbye to it as they both watched it float higher and higher into the sky.

JJ twirled the string of her ballon between her fingers. "I like that story." She said, softly. "But I'm sorry it happened."

"My father dying was painful for me but I believe it made me stronger." I said. JJ leaned further back into me, and kissed my shoulder.

"JJ?" I gently placed my hand on her back. "Yeah?"

"How about you tell me your favourite story with your sister? Before you let it go." I suggested. She thought for a few seconds before picking one. "I remember one that's my favourite." She smiled sadly.

"It's just a scraped knee. I think you'll live." Roslyn smiled, cleaning 10 year old JJ's knee. She had recently turned 16.

"But it hurts!" JJ whined, squirming as her sister tried to stick a bandaid on it. "That's what you get for trying to ride your bike at lighting speed over that curb." She chuckled softly.

Crash & Burn x Jemily Where stories live. Discover now