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February 12th, 10:00 am
Since JJ hadn't slept at all last night, I was hoping she would sleep now. I think it would be better for her to not be so tired when we talked about the pill again.

I want JJ to do what's best for her, but I think having a real conversation about it is good before she actually takes it. She refused any sort of counselling at the doctors office. Honestly I shouldn't have let her go yesterday. I should've made sure she had thought the entire thing through before she got the medication. That would've avoided last night.

Luckily, after the nebulizer had finished JJ actually fell asleep on the couch. I switched off the tv, and then carried her upstairs into bed. I laid her down, pulling a few blankets over her.

I shut the door, going back downstairs to let her sleep. I decided to call Hotch back, because I didn't answer earlier.  

After a few rings he picked up. "Hotchner."

"Hey. It's Emily." I said. "Oh Emily. I'm glad you called me back. How's it going?" He asked.

"Loaded question. Nothings going to well. The sleeping thing is still stumping me though." The doctor had said her throwing up wasn't morning sickness, so it was something else.

"How'd it go last night?" He asked. "Well evening was a disaster. She only threw up twice throughout the night, but she didn't sleep at all." I sighed.

"Not at all?" He said. "Nope. She's asleep now though. I'm not sure how long it's going to last."

"Has she thought about therapy yet?"

"She hates the idea. I was thinking maybe waiting a few days, so she adjusts to being home first. I wish there was something I could tell her that would explain why she's throwing up. It's awful for her."

"I figured it would be. My best guess is still just anxiety. Something could be triggering it, but she's just not telling you."

"There's a lot she's not telling me. I'm trying my best not to pry. She's opening up more though. Maybe she'll tell me something."

"You can hope. What was so disastrous about the evening? Is everything okay?" He asked me.

"Yeah it's okay. It's private and she doesn't want me to talk about it. She's okay though. She'll be okay."

"Tell her I hope she feels better." He said. "I will, thanks. Bye." "Bye." He said, hanging up the phone.

After that I didn't know what to do, so I decided to start cleaning. Our house wasn't really messy, but I was able to tidy up a little. Cleaning is actually relaxing for me. I like doing it.

After that I decided to go check on JJ. It had been almost an hour.

When I walked into the room she was still asleep, but tossing and turning. She made small whimpering sounds, and it was clear she was having a bad dream.

I sat on the edge of the bed, hoping I could calm her down without waking her up. "Shhh, it's okay baby. It's okay." I whispered, stroking her hair.

She cried out again. "It's okay, it's alright." I continued to brush back her hair. She leaned into my touch, still fast asleep. "Emily." She mumbled. "Emily's here."

I always thought it was cute when she slept talked. I sat next to her for a few minutes until she was peacefully asleep again.

After that I walked out, heading downstairs. I still didn't know what to do, so I decided to make some soup. Chicken noodle soup is one of JJ's favorites. I had bought the ingredients to make it when I had time.

Crash & Burn x Jemily Where stories live. Discover now