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"It's beautiful." She whispered, her eyes still glued upwards. "I thought you'd like it." I smiled, kissing her cheek.

She leaned back into my arms, still mesmerized. "Are you having a good time?" I asked her. "Yes. Definitely." She smiled. "Best night ever."

"You look pretty good with a baby on your hip." I smiled at her. Finally she turned to look at me. "You think?"

"Yes. You ever think about it?"

"What? Having kids?" She asked.


"I've always wanted them. I wanted to have them at the right time. With the right person. I don't want to wait too long and have it be too late." She said.

"Jayje you're 24. You have a good 20 years ahead of you before it's too late." I shook my head. She smiled at me. "What about you? Do you want kids?"

"I think so. I've always been open to the possibility. I think my worst fear was always screwing it up. Because that's not something you can undo." I sighed. "I think you'd be a great mom."

"I think you would be too." I kissed the top of her head. "Would you have a kid with me?" JJ asked quietly. "What do you mean? If I have a kid it's going to be with you."

"But do you want these genes? What if our kid inherits my mental health? That'll be a disaster! And oh my god this nose." She started to freak out.

"Hey hey look at me." I put my hands on both of her shoulders. "Relax. Nothing's happening yet. And also I think you have the most beautiful nose in the entire world." I kissed the tip of her nose. "I think it's my new dream to have 19 tiny Jennifer's running around our house."

"19?" She says, looking up at me. "You're right, that's too little. What about 37?" I grinned. A small smile forms on her face. "Deal. 37 kids it is."

We stayed up there for a little while before heading back down and joining the party again. Both of us had a good amount to drink and were a little bit tipsy  at this point.

The music that was playing turned into a slow song and people started dancing. "Wanna dance with me?" I asked, sticking out my hand to JJ. "Sure." She smiled.

We joined the people and I slow danced with her, doing my best not to break any of her toes. She was pressed up against me, her head resting on my shoulder as we swayed back and forth.

"I love you JJ." I whispered. "I love you too Emily."

This was definitely not the first time we've said I love you to each other, but for some reason it felt different. When I've said it before it felt like how we'd always said it, even before we dated.

But this time it didn't feel like that. It didn't feel like the friendship type of love anymore. It was an I'm in love with you, kind of I love you. It felt good.

I saw Penelope standing with Tara and Derek near us. I didn't know if they saw us, but they were in eyesight range.

"I'm going to kiss you." I whispered in JJ's ear. "Okay." She said softly, lifting her head. I didn't know if the team could see us, but I didn't really care. I wasn't going to kiss her because they were there, but I also didn't want it to stop me.

I leaned in, pressing a soft and gentle kiss to her lips. JJ laid her head back on my shoulder. "Do you think they saw us?" She asked me. "Maybe. I don't really care. It's worth it."

Penelope looked at Emily and JJ, and then back at Derek and Tara. "Did they just kiss?" She exclaimed. "I- uh. I think so?" Derek stuttered. "Emily and JJ? What if we just saw it wrong?" Tara said.

Crash & Burn x Jemily Where stories live. Discover now