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My mother was still sitting in the kitchen, as before. After I made sure JJ was okay, I went back down to her.

"Emily dear, it's nice to see you again." She said, hugging me. "It's good to see you too."

"Is Jennifer okay? Did I scare her?" She asked, concerned. I chuckled softly. "No, she's just a little nervous. She's okay."

"What happened to her face? And her wrist and neck? As my daughter I truly hope you aren't capable of doing such horrific things."

"No. I would never lay a hand on Jennifer in a million years. There... there was an accident." I sighed. "What kind of an 'accident'? Because those look like handprints to me."

"They are. She got abducted on a case in Georgia. Please don't try and talk to her about it. It just makes her uncomfortable." I sighed. My mother nodded. "That's awful. I'm sorry that happened."

"Yeah. I am too."

I ended up changing the topic. "So what made you decide to stop by? You've been in town?"

She laughed slightly. "Oh don't worry I'm not staying. I had a meeting in New York but I'm going back to Italy tonight. I remembered you said you were moving, so I just wanted to come and see your house. I should've called."

"It's okay." I said. "We moved in a little while back. I really like it."

"I really like it too. It's nice." She said, looking around. Her eyes were lingering on something in the living room. I realized she was staring at the baby car seat that was sitting on the floor.

She looked at me, and then back at the car seat. She didn't end up saying anything, which I silently thanked her for. She just nodded, turning around.

"I should get going. It was nice seeing you again Emily." She smiled at me. "You too." I said, walking her to the door.

She went out to her car, and I waved to her from the door. After she left I went back up to the bedroom.

JJ was still on the laptop scrolling through something. I sat down next to her. "My moms gone. I'm sorry she surprised you like that." I sighed.

"Does she think I'm crazy?" JJ asked, looking up
from the laptop. "No. She gets you were nervous. Don't worry about it."

I could tell she didn't really believe me, but chose to drop the topic. "Do you want to see what I found?" She smiled softly. "Always."

She showed me the laptop. "It's a high chair. Do you like it?" It was a grey high chair that matched most of our kitchen. "Yes jay I love it." I leaned over and kissed her.

"I wanted to talk to you about something." I said, moving the laptop away. She looked up at me. "Yeah?"

"What would you say about going to the store and looking at some stuff? You haven't been out much, and I think it'd be good for you to get used to it."

She thought about it for a few minutes, twirling a strand of her hair. "Okay." She agreed. "Now?"

"Do you want to go now?" I asked. "Mm.. yeah." She said. "Alright. Let's go now then."

I got up, helping JJ up with me. She looked through the dresser drawers, and took out a turtle neck. She pulled it on. I didn't fight her about it, because I knew she wasn't going out without it.

She headed into the bathroom, taking out her makeup bag. "You know you don't need that right?" I said, coming up behind her.

She rolled her eyes. "If you looked like me you'd be putting it on too."

Crash & Burn x Jemily Where stories live. Discover now