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A/N: so there's 33 chapters left in this book 🤠 if you're reading this I hope you'll stick around to the end and pls leave any advice in the comments!! Enjoy <3

GWU hospital, 12:55 pm
"You're clean."

I looked over to the doctor who was reading my bloodwork. I was sitting in the exam room at the hospital. I had lied to Emily about where I was going. I think she knew I was lying but she let me go.

My heart was pounding in my chest. All I wanted was for Emily to be here with me. I wished she was here. I felt like I was about to start crying, but I didn't.

"You're sure?" I asked her softly. "Yes." She nodded. "We screened you for any std's and we didn't find anything. You're perfectly healthy."

A part of me felt so relieved but somehow I still felt awful. If Emily was here it would be better. I should have told her. No. I shouldn't have. I can't tell her what he did to me. I can't.

"So can I go?" I asked. "There's one more thing." She said, carefully looking at the paper. "Yeah?"

"You're pregnant."

I felt my heart stop for a few seconds. My head spun and I couldn't think straight. I felt tears form in my eyes but I quickly wiped them away. This is not happening.

"There has to be some mistake. That's not possible." I said, shaking my head. She raised her eyebrows at me. "It came up in the bloodwork we ran. You're very early along, so it's possible you haven't realized yet. Around 1 1/2 weeks. Also, you're not far along enough to have morning sickness, so your vomiting most likely has another cause."

This isn't happening. It's just a bad dream. I'm going to wake up and be home and none of this was real. It's not happening.

Except I didn't wake up. I wanted Emily to be here and to hold my hand and tell me that it's okay. I keep being awful to her lately and I hate it but I can't stop it.

"We did a pregnancy test with the urine sample to confirm. You're welcome to keep it." She said, handing me the test. I looked at the two clear lines. I shoved it in my pocket.

I can't be pregnant with his child. It's only been 2 days since I got home but the date matches with the date I was kidnapped. It's his child. I don't even know why I would question it because I haven't slept with anyone besides Emily in over a year. I hate this. I hate all of it. I feel robbed of the overwhelming joy a mother is supposed to feel when they find out they're pregnant. Instead I feel this. It isn't fair.

The doctor noticed my reaction right away. "There are a lot of options for you, if this wasn't planned. There's adoption, and possibly termination. Since it's so early there wouldn't be surgery involved, you could just take a pill."

"No. No. No I- uh.. I need to get home. Can I go home?"

She nodded. "I would recommend following up with your ob/gyn no matter what you choose to do. But you're free to leave."

I grabbed my stuff and practically ran back to my car, getting in and slamming the door shut. Everything starts spinning.

"Shhh don't cry. Don't make a sound." My hands pulled at the chains that cuffed me to the bed. "It's okay, relax. Enjoy it." I gagged has he kissed me, sticking his tongue in my mouth.

What's happening? This isn't real. None of this is real. Where am I? Where's Emily? Is this a dream? I can't feel anything.

I tasted his rancid breath and I felt his hands on my bare stomach as he pressed himself into me. I screamed out a in pain and I felt blood dripping down my leg. "Shhh baby don't fight it. It'll hurt less if you don't fight it."

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