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June 27th, 1:05 pm
It's been about two months, which means JJ is now 21 weeks pregnant. Her "baby shower" is next weekend and we're finding out the gender on Friday. JJ decided on doing a balloon pop because she said it looked fun.

We set a date for the wedding, August 1st. JJ will be a little more than 6 months pregnant at the time.

Now it's Saturday, which means we have nothing to do, and it's also mid summer, which means it's burning hot outside.

It was around 95° outside because we're in the middle of a heat wave. Our house has air conditioning, but that can only do so much.

I was sitting on the end of our bed working on my laptop, when JJ came into the room. "I'm hottt." She whined, flopping down next to me.

"You are hot. I agree."

"Emily." She rolled her eyes, grabbing onto my shirt. "It is 96° outside. I do not have the energy for your jokes."

I pulled her over so she could straddle my lap, and brushed a lock of hair behind her ear. "Why don't we go in the pool?" I suggested. "That'll help us cool down."

She buried her head in my shoulder. "No. My stupid fat stomach doesn't fit in any bathing suits."

"Shut up. Your belly is gorgeous." I pressed a kiss into her neck. "Just wear a bikini."

She sighed, not lifting her head. "Jen?" I asked softly.

"I don't want to." She said quietly.

"Why?" I asked, pulling her face up so she would look at me. "I dunno."

"JJ." I leaned forward and kissed her. "Why not?" JJ is very... unusual, when it comes to how she reacts to certain things. I've seen her in her underwear and a bra, and I've seen her naked. But apparently when it comes to bikini's, she doesn't like it.

Of course if it was with the team, it's a different story. She won't show the scars on her legs or the scars on her stomach no matter what. But it's just us, so I don't really understand.

JJ frowned, her cheeks turning a light red colour. "I feel weird." She mumbled.

"Weird about me seeing you?"

She shrugged, looking down again. I tucked a piece of hair behind her ear, kissing her forehead gently. "You know I don't care about any of it right? You're so pretty and nothing changes that."

"I don't feel pretty." She muttered. "Are you kidding? Have you ever looked in a mirror? You're so pretty. Everyone knows it too. You are beautiful and I hate that you doubt yourself."

JJ leaned her head on my shoulder, the slightest smile forming on her lips. "Why don't you go put on a bikini, so I can admire how beautiful you look, and then throw you in the pool."

I peppered a few kisses on her cheeks, pulling her upright. She started looking through her drawers to find one, an I grabbed mine.

I changed and headed downstairs. I went into the backyard, sitting at the edge of the pool with my feet in the water.

Soon JJ came out wearing a blue pattern bikini. I got up, wrapping my arms around her waist. "You look beautiful." I smiled, kissing her cheek. "Now for the second part of my promise."

Before she could stop me, I lifted her up bridal style, and threw her straight into the pool.

She squealed, splashing down into the water. "You suck!" She laughed, as I jumped in after her.

Both of us were now sopping wet, but significantly cooler. I pulled her closer to me, smoothing back her soaked hair. "You are really beautiful." I leaned in and kissed her. "Sometimes it's still shocking you agreed to marry me."

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