Bakugo x Reader (a pretty sunset..happy ending)

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(This isn't going to be accurate for everybody so I'm sorry. TW!! Mentions of suicidal thoughts last part of this is inspired by something someone else read btw)

Y/n had been dealing with family issues since she was born. Her family was very dysfunctional and her parents fought all the time. During her first year of UA her parents divorced.

She had three little siblings. She was 15 years old. The second oldest was 13. The second youngest was 10. The youngest of them all was 6. Y/n had to make a point to be there for all of her siblings.

Of course, with all of the bullying, family drama, and school stuff she had a terrible mental health. She made sure to try and push through everything happening.

During her first year at UA her and Bakugo Katsuki started dating. They had known each other since middle school.

—-Present Time—-

"Katsu?" Y/n called. He hummed in response. It was currently midnight and he just wanted to sleep. "Wouldn't I be a pretty sunset?" She told him, not knowing he understood what that meant.

He sat up and stared at her. She was already sitting up just waiting to be tired. "You will be a pretty sunset but you'll be one with me when we die from old age after beating a bunch of villains asses." He said sternly. She smiled.

Suddenly her smile dropped and tears poured from her eyes. Katsuki's eyes widened in shock and he hugged her. "I don't want to do this anymore kat..." she mumbled.

He rubbed her back. "I know... once we graduate we can get married and start our family. And we can become the best heroes in the world." He tried motivating her to stay with him.

"I want to. I really do but I can't do this. My moms blaming me for everything, and all three of my siblings aren't getting taken care of as they should be because our mom doesn't care." She started crying harder.

Katsuki sat there and listened to her vent. Eventually she fell asleep in his arms and he laid down, positioning himself and her.
Katsuki woke up the next morning to Y/n sleeping peacefully next to him. He kissed her forehead and stood up. He walked into his bathroom after grabbing some clothes and changed.

When he walked back out Y/n was sitting up on his bed. He sat behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. He put his head on her shoulder. "I'm sorry if I worried you last night." She mumbled.

"It's fine." He whispered, closing his eyes. "I should go to my dorm so I can get ready for class." Y/n said. He grumbled and she laughed.

"I'll be back so we can walk to class together. I promise." She told him. He reluctantly let go and she went to get dressed. After she was done getting ready she walked back to Katsuki's dorm and they walked to class together.

Once they entered the classroom katsuki glared at Deku. Y/n smacked Katsuki. "Stop." She said sternly. He ignored her. "Ok see how not listening to me works out for you." She said in a petty tone.

Y/n walked away from him and sat next to her friends until she had to go back to her seat. Aizawa walked in the room putting his phone back in his pockets. "L/n-" He started but got cut off by three little gremlins running in the room.

Her eyes widened. "Why are they here..?" She asked. She looked at her six year old sister and saw a cut across her eye. Her blood started boiling. Y/n stood up and walked over to her sister.

"Emiko, look at me." Her youngest sibling looked at her. Her thirteen year old brother looked at her. He walked over to her and whispered in her ear. "Mom was hurting her so I called the cops and when they got there Mom cut Emiko. The cops saw her do it and arrested her. They said we have to go to dad..."

My eyes widened. "It's ok. Everything will be fine." She kissed his forehead and stood up. He scrunched his nose at her. She laughed. "Aizawa-sensei, what were you going to say before they cut you off?" She asked.

"We wanted to know if your father had done stuff like this before when your parents were married? We don't want to put you guys into another home like that." He explained.

"Yea he was like that as well. I have a scar across my stomach from him. He also is an alcoholic." She told him. He nodded his head. "Is there anyone that your siblings can go to while you're here?" He asked.

"Uhhh- unless there's a teacher that can watch them then no. But Kenji can watch the younger two. They've done that multiple times before. They can stay in my dorm." She told him. He nodded his head.

"Take them there then." She nodded her head and took them to her dorm.

"Don't mess anything up. I'll be back in a few hours ok?" She told them. They all said ok and she went back to class.

—-A few hours later also Y/n POV—-

I walked with Katsuki hand in hand back to my dorm after classes. I opened the door and we walked inside. Emiko was asleep on my bed and the other two were on their phones.

"I'm back." I announced. Kenji turned his phone off and Kaito turned his off. "Who's that?" Kenji asked while pointing at Katsuki.

I elbowed katsuki and he huffed. "The names Bakugo Katsuki." He grumbled. I laughed at him. "He's my boyfriend. He's also not the best at being nice but don't misunderstand, it's not that he doesn't care." I said and chuckled.

Emiko woke up from the talking and sat up. "Y/n..?" She mumbled. "Hey Em. How are you feeling? Does your eye hurt?" I asked her. She shook her head. "Alrighty," I answered.

"Alright so Kat the girl is Emiko she's the youngest. The second youngest is Kaito and the second oldest is Kenji." I told Katsuki. My three siblings raised their hand when I said their name. Katsuki looked like he memorized it and nodded his head.

I sighed and laid down next to Emiko while Katsuki sat next to me. He talked with my siblings while I relaxed.
1108 words.

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