Shoto Todoroki x Reader

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Suicide TW⚠️⚠️⚠️


Ayy, I fell in love when I was 16
Met a nice girl, the feelings hit me
Didn't know much, I was too young then
She had a hard time at home, and words were unsaid
I fell in love when I was 16
Met a nice girl, the feelings hit me
Didn't know much, I was too young then
I wish I helped you out, I could have held your hand

Shoto Todoroki was no doubt a very traumatized boy so when he met a person just as traumatized as him he fell in love and he fell hard. He didn't know much about love but boy was he enjoying it. The safe and related feelings he got because of them made him... happy?

Yeah, everybody told you to leave, get away, girl
Said I'm turning into the person you hate, girl
Started throwing fits, getting up on my face, girl
Then you threw a fist, it was more than a phase, girl
In a place, you could never get out of
Inside, you were fighting the outcome
Lot of thoughts that I wish you could outrun
But it all caught up and you're now gone

Everyone told them to leave though. They told them he was turning into someone they hate. Someone who was healing. They began to grow distant with him. His healing bothered them. Why could he heal but they couldn't?

Yeah, I fell in love when I was 16
Met a nice girl, the feelings hit me
Didn't know much, I was too young then
She had a hard time at home, and words were unsaid
I fell in love when I was 16
Met a nice girl, the feelings hit me
Didn't know much, I was too young then
I wish I helped you out; I could have held you're (damn)

He couldn't help but keep his feelings for them. They were the only thing on his mind — aside from soba of course — yet they wanted nothing to do with him. He was disappointed to say the least. He met a great person who he could relate to but he was too young to realize how to handle the situation.

I fell in love when I was 16
And we always talked about our big dreams
But next thing I knew, she's gone, I'm lonely
Yeah, she took her life to be with the old me
I'm sorry, girl, I'm sorry
Too much pain, getting drunk every party
I've been feeling off like the pause in my heartbeat
Girl, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry

They seemed like they didn't exist anymore. Shoto and Y/n used to talk about being heroes but they didn't even talk to him anymore. He couldn't help but apologize in fear that it was his fault. He couldn't be like his dad in the past! He needed them to feel safe with him and feel cared for. They always seemed to be drunk though... At least they always seemed to be drunk outside of school.

Ayy, yeah, sorry, I'm a bag of shit
I find that my eyes didn't read the script
I didn't get the hints, I didn't see your hurt
Now you up in heaven, and I'm stuck on earth
I hate your mom for leaving you at home
Only you and your dad with his alcohol
Walk home from school, a new girl in your house
Drugs on the table and your dad on the couch

Shoto never knew exact details about Y/n's life at home. If he would've known he would have done everything and more to protect them. He learned more about it when they killed themself. He was beyond devastated. Why would they do something like that? He learned that their dad did drugs and had affairs on their mom. He learned that their mom was never home because of their fathers affairs. They always came home to drugs on the table either lined up or drunkenly taken and empty alcohol glasses, bottles, and more.

My girlfriend left and never left me clues
Didn't know this before, now I know from the news
I wish I had the power to go back in time
I would punch your dad and make sure you're fine
I would cut that rope and show you I care
Jeez, I miss your face and that cute green stare
When I close my eye, I can see you there
In the empty room with a fallen chair

He learned so much after they died. He only learned about it because of the news though... There was a documentary about them because of their circumstances. He wished his quirk would allow him to go back in time because he would've helped them so much if he could have. He would probably punch their dad in the face then check on them. He missed their cute face and their adorable features. He missed getting lost in their (e/c) eyes. When he closed his eyes to sleep all he could see was them...

Looking back, I was too young
No, I didn't understand
I wish that I could save you now
Ayy, sorry that I can't
I know I'm not to blame
But I know I could have helped
Maybe you wouldn't be gone
If I just asked you how you felt

Now that he was older he had so many regrets. He wished he could have understood more. He knew it wasn't his fault per say but he couldn't help but blame himself. It was a twisted game his mind played with him. He couldn't help but wonder how it would have played out if he checked on them more. Maybe if he did more to protect them they'd still be there. He just missed them. He would do anything to get them back.

978 words.

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