Bakugo x Reader

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TW!! Death + Cancer IB: CarvelPebble
(This was made before I read the chapter I just saw the details and wanted to post a chapter like that😭)

I loved Bakugo with all of my heart but I couldn't help but keep this a secret. I had started feeling dizzy and having double vision since last year but I shrugged it off as nothing.

Eventually I told my mom and she rushed me to the hospital. We had to go through 5 hospitals in a month to figure out what was wrong.

When a doctor finally figured it out he announced that there was a tumor in my brain. A few weeks later and they told us it was cancerous.

I wanted to scream and cry but there was no point. It wouldn't change anything. I wanted to run to Bakugo Katsuki who was my boyfriend,and childhood best friend, but I couldn't bring myself to tell him.

My memory had become hazy so I forgot a lot of things. My parents never paid much attention to me after they divorced so whenever I had to take my Chemo pills I would forget.

Everything was getting worse and eventually I returned to the hospital. I had to get a schedule and hang it in my room so I would remember.

Over the months Katsuki had kept asking to come over but I would say no in fear of him finding the pills or the schedule. It's weird but they were the things I constantly remembered. I would always go to his house and we would hang out there.

While we were hanging out I brushed my hand through my hair and a lot came out. I panicked and put my hands behind my back before he saw. "Hey- uh- I'm gonna go to the bathroom I'll be right back." I walked to his bathroom and threw it out in the trash can.

"Shit..." I mumbled. I plopped myself onto the counter and leaned my head back on the mirror. (We're gonna pretend he has a bathroom like that.)

I walked back to his room and sat on his bed. "Hey Katsuki?" I said. He hummed in response. He didn't look up because he was doing his homework. "I need to tell you something." My anxiety was creeping in and I had to control my breathing before I panicked too much.

"Just get to your damn point." He said, irritated. "Uhm.. actually never mind. I love you I'm gonna go ahead and head home." I mumbled and awkwardly laughed. He look up at me. "What happened?" He asked.

"Uhm- nothing I'm just tired." I put my hand on my neck and smiled. "Ok.. I love you too I guess." He rolled his eyes and I laughed. I hugged him and gave him a goodbye kiss.

As I was about to walk out he grabbed my wrist. "I was gonna finish that work but it's fine let me walk you home." He mumbled. I shook my head. "No! You should probably finish that it's important and you don't want to stay up too late finishing it!" I immediately responded. "Y/n come on. You don't even let me in your house anymore at least let me do this." He said. I sighed and grabbed his hand. "Ok.."

We walked back to my house and stopped at the door. "Alright well I'll see you tomorrow?" I asked. "Yea but can I come inside? I need to ask your mom something." I was quiet for a moment. "Uhm.. sure?"

We walked inside and I went to my room to take my pills. I walked by the living room to hear them talking.

"Well she has cancer. They don't think they can do anything except put her on Chemo and do radiation appointments. The doctors called me the other day after a lab and told me she might not make it." She told him. I walked in.

They both stared at me. I had tears in my eyes. "What..?" I asked. "You never told me that..." I quickly wiped my face and ran up to my room. Katsuki chased after me and before I could close my door he ran in.

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