One big Christmas Special for Class 1-A

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The Christmas party was much more exciting than I thought it would be. Eri was there and we got to teach her all about Christmas. Though she didn't fully understand the holiday so I made sure to explain it to her thoroughly.

"Here loser." I heard Bakugo grumble. I looked at the present in his hands. "You were my secret Santa?" I smiled. "I'm kind of scared." I laughed. He just glared at me. "Take it before I blow it up!" He yelled. I took it. "Ok. Ok. I'm sorry." I opened it up and I definitely didn't expect for him to actually think about the gift but apparently he did. "Bakugo... how much did this cost..?" I asked. "Doesn't matter. You said you wanted those manga books right? Well there's the whole set." He grumbled. I smiled. "Can I hug you? I know you're not keen on physical touch but this means so much more than you can imagine." His eyes widened. He thought about it for a moment before muttering a small sure. I quickly hugged him tightly. "Thank you thank you thank youuuu!" I smiled at his quietness. "Yea whatever." He muttered before pulling away and walking away.

I spotted my person across the room. "Hey, Kirishima!" I called. He looked over to me. I waved him over and he excused himself from his previous conversation. "Hey Y/n! What's up?" He asked happily. I struggled to move the box with his present to him. "Open it!! I need to see your reaction." I exclaimed. He curiously opened it. His face lit up when he saw it. "Aww! Thank you, Y/n!" He exclaimed excitedly. "You're welcome! I remember you saying you broke your punching bag so I thought I'd get you a new one. I really didn't know what else to get you." I laughed. "Well you definitely saved the day." He laughed. "Thanks a lot N/n!" He thanked me one last time before running off to his other friends.

"Alright everyone! It's time to eat!" I heard Iida call. I walked over to Eri and offered her my hand. "You can hold my hand while we walk if you want." I offered. She smiled brightly. "Ok!" She exclaimed. I walked with her to a spot and sat her next to me. Mr. Aizawa sat next to her and everyone else started filling in the table.

After dinner pretty much everyone was tired so we ended the night with a big sleep over in the common rooms watching Christmas movies.

425 words. Merry Christmas guys!!

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