Kirishima x Reader

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"Let's see..." Dabi started. "What's your worst fear? Huh, doll?" He asked. I gulped. "You know you're pretty close with that Kirishima kid." He pushed. I tried to keep my expression as nonchalant as possible.

"Bingo. You flinched." He laughed. "Pro tip, when you're being questioned don't think. Just make eye contact, Doll." He advised. He looked to Toga and they both nodded. Toga's grin grew before she skipped out of the room. She walked back in dragging the red heads limp body. He had cuts everywhere and he looked unconscious. "What did you do!?" I yelled. Tears pricked the corners of my eyes. "Let him go! He didn't do anything! You wanted me right!? I'll do whatever you want!" I tried to bargain with them. Though they ignored my pleas.

I watched toga reel her arm back before plunging her knife into the side of Eijiro's head. "Eijiro!" I called out.

I shot up from my bed. I was sweaty and tears were pouring from my eyes. The pattering of the rain outside was heavy and my room was freezing. My eyes burned. I couldn't breathe properly. I needed to see if Eijiro was all right. I knew it was just a dream but that doesn't mean there's no comfort in seeing his face.

I'll just have to wait until tomorrow. I can't wake him up right now. That's rude.

The next day in class was terrible. I'd had an hour of sleep but the only thing that I dreamt about was my kidnapping. "You all right?" Eijiro mumbled. "I'm fine." I smiled assuringly. Though I know he could see through my lies. He nodded and went back to answering his questions.

I turned to the window, leaving the problems for homework, and stared at the surrounding places. I knew I'd hate myself later when I had to do this work. Maybe I wouldn't even do it. Who knows.

The bell snapped me out of my trance. Oh. It's time to go already? I'll probably just throw the paper out. I'll find some way to fix it it's fine. "L/n." Mr Aizawa called. I looked up at him. "Sir." I responded while packing my things in my bag. "You didn't do the assignment." He stated. I sighed. "I'm sorry." I apologized. He looked at me suspiciously. Normally I would've mustered up some excuse but this time I didn't care to. "What's wrong?" He questioned. "Nothing, Sir. I'll be sure to finish it tonight. Or I'll do better tomorrow." I answered. He looked as if he was done questioning me so I left the classroom.

It was lunch time now. I wasn't very hungry though. I sat at a table on my own. Normally I'd have sat with the Bakusquad but that means social interaction. I sighed and opened my sketchbook. If there was one thing no one could take away from me it was my sketchbook. I could vent into it. I sketched out a melting body. I circled lines around the body's head and blended out some pencil in the background. When was the bell going to ring? I decided to just leave the lunch room early and go to my next period early.

Eventually the dreadful day ended and I got to go back to my dorm. Though impulsive decisions told me to head to Eijiro's dorm instead. I walked to his dorm room and knocked on the door. "Come in!" He answered. I walked inside and closed the door.

"I'm not fine. I know that I said I was but I'm not. I'm breaking down. Every night I have nightmares about the LOV figuring out my weakness and taking advantage of it. And truth is you're my weakness. And I imagine then killing you every single time I have a nightmare. And before you ask 'how am I your weakness?' It's because I love you Eijiro. We've been best friends through thick and thin and I'm truly hoping that you reciprocate my feelings." I finally took a breathe and watched him frown. He doesn't like me back. "Oh..." he murmured.

I mentally facepalmed. I'm an idiot. Why would he like me like that? I want to bash my head into the wall so hard right now. "Y/n... I don't.. I don't feel that way about you... I'm really sorry. We can still be friends though!" He assured me. I turned to the door to hide my tears. "It's fine. Let's just pretend this never happened." I suggested before leaving.

Tuesday was terrible.

"Hey Y/n!" Eijiro greeted. "Hey Kirishima." I couldnt bring myself to use his first name anymore. He winced at the use of his last name. "Y/n, come on. We're best friends! Why are you suddenly using my last name??" I sighed. I couldn't make eye contact. "I dunno. I just feel like it. You should sit down before Mr. Aizawa gets here." I suggested. He looked hurt but instead of continuing the conversation he nodded and went to his seat. Bakugo stared at the two of us curiously. I know he knew something was wrong. I also know that he knows about my feelings for Eijiro.

When the bell rang my phone buzzed at the same time. I checked it and excitedly turned to Eijiro before remembering the predicament I was in. I turned back around and went to our next period. I honestly just wanted to skip class. I can't do that. Let's just push through the day.

The bell rang and last period was finally over. I started walking over to the dorms before Eijiro called out to me. I turned around. "Oh hey." I greeted. "Hey!" He smiled. "Are you going to pretend I didn't say what I said?" I asked. His face dropped and his mouth tugged down into a frown. "I feel bad. I mean you were manly enough to confess your feelings for me and I can't reciprocate them. I know how hard it is to tell people your feelings and I didn't want our friendship to change. I mean we're best friends. You're the closest person to me. Bakugo and Mina don't even compare to how much you know." He explained. I saw my vision turn blurry.

"Eijiro I'm tired. I haven't slept right in months. The LOV is always on my mind. I can't sleep because they're there. It's like they're all I can think about. I don't want our friendship to change either but it doesn't change the fact that I like you. I mean you're sweet, caring, and overall just perfect. Even if you had a rough past you pushed passed it and turned yourself into the person you are today. You're awesome for that. It's going to take me time to get over you. I'm not going to be okay for a while, but eventually I'll get over it." I poured my heart out to him. He always had that power over me if he wanted information from me all he had to do was ask and I wouldn't be able to hide it.

He nodded in understanding. "Alright, Y/n. I'll give you some time." He smiled before walking away. Boy was this gonna be a long year.

1210 words

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