Past Kurogiri x Reader(Spoilers?)

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—Takes Place First Year of Your UA Years—

I was scrolling through my phone before and idea popped into my head. I quickly went to my messages and messaged Oboro.


Oboro! Wanna hang out?

Sure! Give me a few minutes to get ready and I'll go to your house.

Awesome! See you in a few!<3

-real time again-

I stood up and fixed my hair. I was already in an outfit that would work for going out so I just waited in my living room.

Soon enough I heard a knock and I raced to my door. I swung it open with a smile on my face. "Oboro!" I said happily. "Y/n!" He replied with the same energy. We hugged then started walking while holding hands.

I leaned my head on his shoulder and sighed. "I missed you." I said. He laughed. "I missed you too!"

I felt something jump on my shoulder and I jumped. I looked over and it was a cat. I burst out laughing and Oboro looked at me. He saw the cat and laughed as well.

He took the cat off of my shoulder and started petting it. "She's so adorable!" I said. He looked at me confused. "It's a girl trust me." I said and facepalmed.

We stopped at a cafe and I went in to grab our drinks. When I walked back out Oboro was talking with Shota and Hizashi. I smiled and walked over. "If I knew you guys were here I would've bought us all drinks." I said.

The three boys looked at me. "Hey Y/n!" Hizashi said, loud as usual. "Oh yea! Look at the cat we found!" I said excitedly. Hizashi looked at the cat. "We already saw it." Shota said. "Ok and? Look at her again!" I replied.

"Anyways, do you guys want me to get you something?" I asked handing Oboro his drink. They shook their heads no and I nodded. I gasped and looked at Oboro. "We should keep the cat!! Let's go buy it stuff!!!" I exclaimed, jumping up and down.

Oboro blushed and nodded his head. I grabbed his hand and dragged him to a shop. Shota and Hizashi went the opposite direction. I rushed into the shop with Oboro and started browsing for stuff.

"Hey look at this Y/n!" Oboro called. I turned to look at him and he had a cool cat tower thing. "How much is it!?" I asked. "Uhh- I don't know. It only has the US price on it." He smiled awkwardly. I shook my head.

"It says it's $20 in the US so it's 2558 yen." I explained. I pulled out my wallet and made sure I had enough. I then looked around for food and other things. Once we were done we went to checkout and paid for everything, including the cat tower thing.

We ran back to my house with everything and the cat. "Let's put it in my room." I told him. We brought everything to my room and set it up. I looked outside and noticed it was dark out. I checked my phone and realized it was 11pm. "That took us a while!" I said. "You could stay the night since it's 11 already?" I suggested. He nodded his head.

I gave him some of my brothers old clothes and ran to the bathroom to get ready for bed. "You can use the bathroom now. We have extra toothbrushes in the second drawer down in there." I explained. He left and eventually came back a bit later.

I was already laying in bed, cuddling a pillow. He laid next to me and wrapped an arm around me. I sighed and slowly drifted off to sleep
628 words. Sorry that I've been so dead. I've been dealing with Staar testing and doing finals (those are two different things in my school dk about y'all tho-)

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