Bakugo x Reader comfort(nb reader)

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TW!?!? Panic attack?

Y/n's head had been filled with voices recently. All they could hear was the voices. The voices told them bad things. They told them to do bad things. They tried to escape the voices but it was inevitable.

One night it had become too much so they ran to Katsuki's room. The knocked on the door, silently crying and wiping their tears. They heard a groan and shuffling from the other side. When the door opened an annoyed Katsuki looked at Y/n.

His face immediately softened. He pulled them into a hug and pulled them into the room. He closed the door and pressed their head into his chest.

They sniffled and rubbed their eyes again. They pulled out of his grasp and sat down on the floor. Katsuki sat next to them and wrapped an arm around them.

"They wont shut up.." Y/n mumbled. "Shut up. Shut up. Shut up!" They cried. Katsuki didn't know what to do so he whispered comforting things and rubbed their back.

"I'm here now so you're safe alright?" He muttered, not entirely sure that would help in the slightest bit. They cradled themself. He pulled them into his lap and hugged them.

They clung onto him, begging for everything to stop. Bakugo pondered for a moment. He didn't know what to do in this situation. Y/n had told him about this happening frequently but they never came to him about it while it was happening.

He thought about all of the anxiety exercises he learned. "Count backwards from ten out loud." He told them.

"T-Ten.." they started. "N-Nine." They said, gripping their shirt. "Eight, seven, s-six. Five, f-four, three, two, one.." they mumbled the rest. They were still crying but not as bad as before.

He continued thinking. "What are five things you can see?" He asked them. "You're bed.. you, you're chair, t-the bookshelf, and y-your posters.." they responded quickly, hiccuping a bit.

"Four things you can hear." He said. "Your voice, my voice, the clock, and the voices.." they mumbled the last part, seeming scared

"Three things you can feel." He told them. "Uhm.. your hands, my rings, and the floor." They said.

He thought for a moment.. "Two things you can smell." He said. "Your cologne.. and your air freshener..." they told him.

"Ok one more. What's one thing you can taste?" He asked. "The lollipop I ate not too long ago.." they said, calming down.

"Ok one more exercise alright?" He told them. They nodded their head. "Do you know what box breathing is?" He asked. They shook their head no, a confused look on their face.

"You inhale for four seconds, hold it for four seconds, exhale for four seconds, and hold it for another four. Let's try that alright?" He asked and they nodded their head.

"Alright, inhale. 1.. 2.. 3.. 4.." he counted while they breathed in. "Hold it. 1.. 2.. 3.. 4.." he counted again. "Now exhale. 1.. 2.. 3.. 4.. and hold it. 1.. 2.. 3.. 4.." he counted the last two while rubbing their back.

He repeated the process a few more times before they calmed down most of the way. He stood up and stretched his hand out for them to grab. They gratefully took it and stood up. He pulled them into a tight hug. "You are good enough and nothing is wrong with you. You're the most amazing thing to ever happen to me and I love you. You got that?" He said, not completely being the softy he was earlier.

Y/n chuckled a bit, still a tad bit shaky. He dragged them to his bed and laid down, patting the spot next to him for them to join him. They laid down next to him slowly.

He snaked his arm around their waist and pulled them into him. "If this ever happens again make sure you come to me alright? And if I'm not there then call me." He told them. They nodded their head and chuckled lightly.

"I love you katsuki..." they muttered. He smiled softly to himself, unbeknownst to Y/n, and kissed the back of their neck softly.

"I love you too." He told them. "Now get some rest. I'll make you breakfast in the morning."

They hummed in response and quickly drifted into sleep while holding his hand.
749 words. Bro bakugo comfort chapters>>>>> idk if the Tw was needed but yea it's there- sorry I couldn't get this out yesterday guys. I've been super busy doing stuff these past weeks.

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