Todoroki x Reader

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I feel like he fits best for this so yea😭

My father never talked a lot
He just took a walk around the block
'Til all his anger took a hold of him
And then he'd hit

I watched as my dad left the house. He got mad at Mom for undercooking the food and making me sick. At least that's what I thought. Though he threw her phone and I saw some weird messages that she was sending to a man. When he got back he slapped her across the face and screamed at her. I tried defending her but he kneeled down to my level. "Sweetie," he started. "Don't worry about Mommy. Just go to your room we'll start training when I'm done here ok?" He told me. I nodded slightly and sniffled. He wiped my tears gently. I ran to my room quickly.

My mother never cried a lot
She took the punches, but she never fought
'Til she said, "I'm leaving, and I'll take the kids"
So she did

When my mom told me we were leaving I was devastated. She never cried and she was punched and hit but he was still my dad. I didn't know why I still cared for him but I did. She dragged me away despite my pleas.

I say they're just the ones who gave me life
But I truly am my parents' child

I looked at myself in the mirror. I hated that reflection. I looked like them and I know that I acted like them too.

Scattered 'cross my family line
I'm so good at telling lies
That came from my mother's side
Told a million to survive
Scattered 'cross my family line
God, I have my father's eyes
But my sister's when I cry
I can run, but I can't hide
From my family line

I defended my mom to my dad who kept trashing her. "Oh is that what she told you?" He'd ask me. "Really? Man, I sure wish I was there." He'd say. My tears would stream down my face as he held me. When I got back to my moms house she forced us to move. She said we'd never have to see him again. I had cried my eyes out that night. I even contemplated running away. I didn't want to leave my dad here all alone. I stared at myself in my mirror I have his eyes. Though they looked like my sisters the more I cried.

It's hard to put it into words
How the holidays will always hurt
I watch the fathers with their little girls
And wonder what I did to deserve this

I watched the little girls with their dads and I smiled. It hurt. I'd never get to see him again. Mom wouldn't ever tell us his number and tried her hardest to keep us away from him and it broke me. I almost started crying watching the little kids. The little girls thanking their dads for their new dolls or clothes. The little boys thanking their moms for their toy cars and brand new shoes. I couldn't help but be envious of the little kids.

How could you hurt a little kid?
I can't forget, I can't forgive you
'Cause now I'm scared that everyone I love will leave me

I couldn't forgive either of them. I was forever scared now. I can't even get close to people now. What if they leave me again?

Scattered 'cross my family line
I'm so good at telling lies
That came from my mother's side
Told a million to survive
Scattered 'cross my family line
God, I have my father's eyes
But my sister's when I cry
I can run, but I can't hide
From my family line
From my family line

I stared at my disgusting reflection. Any time I'd see myself I'd just be reminded of the issues. Of dad hitting mom. Of mom cheating on dad. When mom pulled us away from dad permanently.

Oh, all that I did to try to undo it
All of my pain and all your excuses
I was a kid but I wasn't clueless
(Someone who loves you wouldn't do this)
All of my past, I tried to erase it
But now I see, would I even change it?
Might share a face and share a last name, but
(We are not the same)

I tried to change myself. I'd put contacts in and I'd dye my hair but nothing could change the memories. Moms countless excuses as to why we had to move to Japan. It hurt. I couldn't erase anything but would I even change it? We aren't the same. I won't treat my kids the same way they treated me.

Scattered 'cross my family line
I'm so good at telling lies
That came from my mother's side
Told a million to survive
Scattered across my family line
God, I have my father's eyes
But my sister's when I cry
I can run, but I can't hide
From my family line
From my family line

I cried in Shoto's arms. The memories flooding back during our training. He was stiff as a board but tried comforting me anyways. He didn't know what was wrong or what happened and he didn't know how to fix it. Aizawa rushed over to us. "L/n? Get up. What's wrong?" He asked. I cried harder at the comforting sound of a father figures voice. I just wanted to see him again. Was I wrong? Was it that wrong to want to see my dad again. Maybe he didn't deserve I but I missed him. I missed him so damn much. Since I hadn't responded at all he called my mom and when she arrived she tried touching me. I pushed her away harshly. "No. Get away from me." I cried, crawling back. I couldn't stop the endless flow of tears. "I can't stop crying. I just want to go see Dad." I mumbled the last part. She sighed and began walking away. She hated how much I missed him. She hated my being for looking like him but she loved me for being forgiving and empathetic.

"She won't listen to me in this state. Just let her cool down Sir." She explained and left. Shoto sat next to me. He hesitantly wrapped an arm around my shoulders. I buried my face into his neck. "I just want to see my dad." I cried out lowly.

About a week later Shoto had called me and told me to meet him at a park. When I got there my dad stood next to Shoto. Tears immediately flooded my eyes. I ran up to my dad and hugged him. His gentle hands wrapped around me. One hand on my back and the other on my head. "Oh my gosh.. Dad." I cried. Shoto stood on the side and smiled at his friend and her father. They'd known each other since middle school and instantly clicked when hearing about each others trauma. I pulled away from my dad and turned to him. "Did you do this?" I sniffled. He nodded. I ran up and hugged him. "Thank you, Shoto." I said softly. He smiled. "Anything for you Y/n." He muttered. I pulled back a little and kissed his cheek. "This means so much more than you could ever imagine." I explained. He smiled and grabbed my hand. "I'd do anything to make you happy Y/n." He told me. I hugged him once more before returning to my dad.

1276 words.

Family Line by Conan Gray.
You thought that was it? Hah never. Next is Wish you were sober then wish you were gay lol.

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