katsuki bakugo x reader

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We should leave our lovers and be with one another
Run your fingers through my hair and hide under my covers
We should leave our lovers, We should run after each other
We can share our secrets 'til they swallow one another

When Katsuki and Y/n broke up they both quickly found rebounds. Though, they were still drawn to each other like crazy. They only broke up to focus on their studies. The rebounds were simply to help them get over each other. They weren't cheating on those rebounds per se... just cuddling and comforting each other.

"katsuki..." They muttered out while being held tightly in his embrace. "We should leave them. Maybe we made the wrong decision... We already do this on the regular why not be with each other for real?"

He didn't say anything. They assumed he fell asleep. The pair had so many secrets that only they knew. everything about them was only told to each other.

We should leave our lovers, we should, we should leave our lovers
But you'll never leave your lover, no you'll never leave your lover
We should leave our lovers, we should, we should leave our lovers
I need you like to other, no i'll never find another

He wasn't asleep. He just didn't want to talk about it. Why should he leave the person he's with if this is working so well? Why change something that's working perfectly fine as it is..?

Who was he kidding? He loved Y/n. He would never love that rebound girl that he didn't even take the time to know. He couldn't leave her though. He was afraid of the change, afraid to try again with Y/n.

He needed them the same why that they needed him. The way they needed each other was so unique to them that they couldn't part. They couldn't break their connect even if they were in relationships with other people.

Meet me in the silence, i'll let you cut me open
Help me from the inside out, slow motion
I feel you in my blood baby, being your body closer
Love me with your sad eyes, drain me of my color

When they met up it was always in either of their dorms in the silent nights. No one could know they met up in secret. It was too risky. They trusted each other with their lives. Y/n was the only person he truly trusted with every single problem because they always helped him no matter what.

It was like their souls were intertwined. Like their blood was mingled together in some screwed up masterpiece.

His eyes... The way they looked when he asked them to come over on those video calls... They were the one thing Y/n could never say no to. They drained them of their color. They didn't care though. They would come over even if they hated him. They loved him that much.

495 words.

Leave Your Lover by Echos

woah it's crazy i've posted after... like five months. my typical disappearing act lmao. anyways have some um... bakugo angst 😃

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