Kirishima x Reader

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Im going to try to make both of us cry 💀 I need some angst so let's do it?

Kirishima smiled widely when he spotted me in this hallway full of people. I dreaded seeing him. When we first got together I loved his clinginess. It was adorable. He was perfect. As time has gone on I've realized something about myself. I need space. I need maybe even a chase or an argument. I don't want calm and collected. I don't want an arm around my waist 24/7. I don't want someone like him. But I'll break his heart and everyone will hate me.

"Hey!" He smiled even wider if that was possible. I smiled back. "Hey sharkboi." I greeted. He loved that nickname. Maybe I should start using his name and distance myself. He'll lose feelings and leave me be. I stared at his grumbly best friend. I bet he understands how I feel. Kirishima held my hand, giving a light squeeze when he realized I wasn't talking much. Gosh I was just getting pissed off now. Without thinking I harshly ripped my hand from his grip. I sighed. "Im gonna.. go to the bathroom." He nodded, confused. I sped away. I couldn't stand the intoxicating everything of him.

When I got to the bathroom I noticed Jiro there. She gave me a look and left the bathroom. I sighed again. They already hate me. I should just break it off right? So what's stopping me? Why can't I do it? Im just hurting him more in the process. I stared at myself in the bathroom mirror. I looked tired. Was I just being moody? Or emotional. Maybe he wasn't intoxicating and I was just being over dramatic. Who am I kidding? He's an amazing boyfriend who should have an amazing girlfriend. I don't deserve him. Even if I brought this up to him he'd just assure me that I'm perfect for him. He wouldn't take me seriously.

He doesn't see what I've done to him. I think everyone but him has seen it. I've changed him. He's trying ten times harder to be my number one than he is for being Japan's number one. The alarms started blaring. I ran out of the bathroom, immediately looking for my group of friends. I spotted Kirishima and all air left my lungs. In the short amount of time that the villains were here they'd practically killed him. I rushed over to him. "Hey you can't die. I was thinking I needed space but not that much." I felt tears prick my eyes. I definitely didn't want him to die. I don't think I even wanted him to breakup with me. He needs someone better though so he has to live so that I can break up with him guilt free and be content with him having a perfect life.

He stared at me with a slight smile. "Why didn't you say something sooner?" He asked. I shushed him. "Just be quiet. I don't want you to bleed out. I don't know what to do Kiri. You've gotta tell me what to do. We're supposed to evacuate right?" I asked. He stared at me shocked. "I can't leave. I have to get back up. Someone could still be in the building." He explained. I rolled my eyes. "Think about you for once Eijiro!" His eyes widened at my use of his first name. "If you die, part of me is going to die. You'll die if you keep moving. You have a major stab wound in your abdomen. I can't handle you dying so you have to take care of yourself first and I'll save whoever needs help still." I pushed. He sighed, barely letting me take him anywhere else. I used my quirk to get us safely somewhere else. I found recovery girl and left him with her outside. I ran back inside to find whoever I could. I brought everyone outside and stared at recovery girl trying whatever she could to save him. Bakugo was watching his best friend die and I stood there. I backed up slowly and hit the wall. What if he does die? Will I have wished for space then? He can't die. I would do anything to fix this.

Bakugo glared daggers at me. "You can't be a damn hero if when you see some damn blood you freeze!" He yelled at me. "It's not the blood it's who's bleeding, Bakugo!" I yelled back. "I wanted space! I didn't want him dead! I didn't even want to break up with him.." I choked out. I sat on the ground with my knees to my chest. Kirishima, who was still awake somehow, stared between us. "Stop fighting.." he muttered weakly. I scurried over to him. "Hey." I reached for his hand. Before he could respond I spoke. "First, don't speak. Second, I'm sorry. I should've stayed with you. Why didn't you use your quirk." I cried slightly. Bakugo rolled his eyes. "He was so damn focused on finding you that he forgot to watch out for villains." He explained for Kiri. Kiri just nodded. My heart shattered. So it was my fault. I shouldn't have pulled away from him. He's gonna die now and it's all my fault because I disappeared. "I.. love you.." he spoke with a smile. I sobbed before covering my mouth. "If.. I die.. take care.. of her for.. me Bakubro." He told his best friend. Bakugo grumbled something about how he wouldn't die. I held his hand with both of mine. Recovery girl couldn't do anything until she was let back inside. His eyes closed as the alarms stopped.

Recovery girl ushered a few people to help her bring him around to the front where an ambulance would be. I was surprisingly allowed to go with. Recovery girl said she'd explain to Mr. Aizawa what happened.

When we got there I was forced into the waiting room. When someone finally came out they had a sorrowful look on their face. "What's your relation to the patient?" The doctor asked. "I'm his girlfriend. We've been together for about a year and a half." I explained. The doctor contemplated something before sighing sadly. "I'm sorry.. I can't tell you anything." My heart shattered into dust. His mom, as if sent from a god, came through the doors quickly. She noticed me and hugged me tightly. "How is he?" She asked. "I don't know. I had to wait for you." I explained. She looked at the doctor. "How's my son?" She asked him. "He lost a lot of blood from a stab wound in his abdomen. It sent him into a coma. We have no idea when he'll wake up. You can see him now if you'd like." He offered. She nodded and grabbed my hand. When we stepped into the room my hands covered my mouth. I sat next to his bed and held his hand.

I stared at his mom with guilt in my eyes. "You know this is technically my fault? Before you try to comfort me let me explain what happened." I started. She waited patiently for me to continue. "I felt so intoxicated by his clinginess and his affection. I think it's because of how love was shown to me as a child. I ripped my hand away from him earlier and left to the bathroom. I was so mad at the affection I didn't realize what I was going to lose. Then the alarm went off and I ran out to find him on the ground. Apparently he was so focused on trying to find me that he didn't think about whoever infiltrated UA. He didn't even use his quirk. I thought he deserved someone better. Someone who will reciprocate his affection. I can't believe I left him." I cried. His mom stared at me with pity. She put a hand on my back and one over my hand on his.

"Affection can be hard to reciprocate. Just explain your feelings to him when he wakes up." She told me. I nodded.


When his mom called me I was excited. He had to be awake right?

Wrong. His state got worse overnight and he had died. She waited for the morning to tell me and asked me to tell Bakugo and the others. I could barely convince my body to move but when I did I went to the common rooms. I sat on the corner of one of the couches and messaged everyone to come to the common room.

Bakugo stared at me in horror. I think he knew what I was going to say. "Umm..." I started, hardly able to speak. Tears brimmed my eyes. Multiple people tried to sit next to me but I denied them. Bakugo grumbled something then sat beside me. "He's dead isn't he..?" Bakugo asked me. I nodded slowly, not able to verbally answer. Bakugo was unreadable. I couldn't tell if he was mad at me, the villains, himself, or Kirishima for dying. "Looks like you don't have to break up with him after all huh?" Bakugo stated. I broke into tears. "I- I wasn't- I didn't-" I couldn't form any proper sentences. I curled further into my ball and noticed Bakugo's guilty sigh. "Whatever extra. He's.. dead now so you don't have to." He tried comforting me. I cried harder. A vain popped on his forehead. "Damnit!" He grumbled not know what to say.

Deku crouched down next to me and grabbed my hands. Bakugo practically growled. "No. You don't get to take this from me. He isn't your best friend he's mine. You didn't promise to take care of her for him and she's not your best friends girlfriend." Bakugo said, surprisingly calm. He wrapped an arm around my shoulders. "Quit crying. I'm.. sorry for being an asshole." He apologized. It was quiet but I could hear him say it. My entire body was shaking and I couldn't utter a single word. Bakugo grumbled curses and picked me up. "I'm going to take you to his dorm." He rolled his eyes.

When we got there he let me down gently on Kirishima's bed and dug through his closet for a hoodie and some shorts. He tossed them at me. "Put those on." He ordered. He turned away from me, searching Kirishima's desk for something. I obliged and quickly changed into the clothes. He sprayed Kirishima's cologne around me. "There idiot. Do you want me to stay or go?" He asked, surprisingly quiet. I didn't know so I just shrugged. I saw a vein vein pop out on his forehead. "HOW DO-" he cut himself off. "whatever..." He calmed himself. "I'll stay." He sat down next to me and wrapped an arm around my shoulders. "We'll get through it... idiot." Bakugo assured me. I cried. "Yea.." I croaked out.

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