Kota(sibling AU)

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Me and Kota's parents died when Kota was pretty young. He's hated the idea of heroes ever since. We've been hoping that with the heroes coming to the training camp this week that he'll loosen up and grow to like them.

Sometime during the training villains attacked. Right now, I have a huge cut going down my arm and burn marks on my legs.

I saw Deku running to Aizawa with Kota so I ran over immediately. "Kota!" I yelled. The three looked at me and Kota's eyes widened. "You're hurt..." he mumbled. "I'm fine. Deku what happened?" I asked.

He shook his head and asked Aizawa to explain while running away. "Midoriya wait!" Aizawa yelled. Deku was too focused to listen. I sighed. "I can take Kota to the students that aren't out here." I told Aizawa. He nodded and handed Kota to me.

I held him with my uninjured arm and ran to the others. When I entered the classroom they were arguing about whether to go save Bakugo or not.

I set Kota down and he hugged me. I winced in pain. He only reached to the bottom of my stomach so he touched the burn marks on accident. His eyes widened and he backed away. "What happened?" He asked. "I'm fine. My legs just hurt a little." I reassured him.

He looked as if he didn't know what to think. "Kota, how do you feel after what happened with Deku?" I asked him. He rolled his eyes. "Heroes aren't all that bad I guess..." he mumbled. I chuckled.

"Mandalay was right. You just needed to see for yourself that heroes aren't bad. She was also right about how one of these students could show you." I told him.

"Anyways, to answer your argument here, no don't go save Bakugo. As you can see, I have burn marks all over my legs and a huge cut going down my arm. Deku fought someone and-" I started explaining but Kota cut me off.

"It was the villain who killed mom and dad. He said his name was muscular..." he said. My eyes widened.

"Well Deku fought muscular who, if you didn't know, can make his muscle's inhumanly big. He broke both of his arms and he's still running around to find Bakugo I assume." I finished.

They all glanced down. Suddenly there was a knock on the door. Kirishima went to open it. "Wait," I said. "You don't know if it's a villain or not." He stood back. Dabi opened the door himself and immediately Vlad King was ready to fight.

Eventually Vlad King got Dabi onto the wall. Dabi melted and said something but I wasn't paying attention.

"See! Even our teacher is so much better than class A's." Monoma said maniacally laughing. I sighed. "Monoma say something again. I dare you." I turned around and glared at him. He just smirked and started ranting about class 1-A.

I walked over to him and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt. I threw him to the ground and continued glaring at him. "If you just want to sit here and shit talk everybody then I'll be sure to get you kicked out of UA. If you don't believe me ask principal Nezu. Last time someone like you came here I made sure they got expelled." I threatened him.

After some time everybody except Bakugo came back. Once the pros left the room I turned to the students. "Don't do anything reckless. The pros will make a plan to save him." I told them.

Some ambulances had shown up so everyone who was severely injured got into them.

——The next day——

I woke up to tiger, shino, pixie bob, and Kota in my room. I blinked a few times.

"Hey?" He said. They all looked at me. Kota got onto my hospital bed and hugged me. I hugged him and rubbed his back. Shino looked at me and her eyes seemed to relax a bit. "Sorry for the scare guys." I laughed nervously.

They all looked happy and we talked for a bit. Eventually they had to go.

"They have to help out with the rescue mission and I have to watch Kota so we'll see you later alright?" Shino said. "Why doesn't Kota just stay with me and you help out with the mission? Unless you don't want to help with the mission." I said and laughed at my last statement.

Shino laughed. "I thought that since you're hurt you wouldn't want to deal with him." She explained. I shook my head. "I'm always willing to deal with my little brother." I said and ruffled Kota's hair. He had his hat off at the moment. He grumbled, fixed his hair, then put his hat back on.

"That's great then! We'll see you guys later then!" Shino said and hugged me and Kota.

After they left I turned to Kota. He looked like he was about to cry. I shifted so that I was sitting crisscrossed and patted my lap. He climbed into my lap and hugged me.

"I'm sorry Kota. I know I scared you with how bad my injuries were but I promise that I will be fine." I assured him. I heard him sniffle and felt my shirt becoming wet. I frowned.

We sat in silence while he cried and I continued to hug him.

Kirishima had knocked on the door and walked into the room. I looked at him. A few of his classmates walked in as well. "Hey everybody?" I said in a confused tone.

Kirishima explained a plan he had to save Bakugo and I sighed. "Do what you want but be careful because one, if you get caught you'll be in major trouble and two, if you fail something even worse could happen." I explained.

He nodded and they left to visit deku. Kota looked distressed. "Wait!" He said. I looked at him. "I can take you after they leave. It's easier for you to talk to him when there's less people." I told him. He nodded his head.

30 minutes to an hour later we went to Deku's room. One of the doctors had to roll me there in a wheelchair though. They gave me a remote and told me to press the button when I wanted to go back to my room.

Kota went up to Deku's bed and muttered an apology. Deku just smiled. "It's alright. I'm just glad you're ok!" He said with a closed eye smile.

"Kota, something you may want to understand is heroes like Deku save people just because they think it's the right thing. Our parents were like that too." I told Kota. He came up to me and hugged me.

Eventually he left and I went back to my room. I healed completely over the course of a few weeks and they saved Bakugo a few days after that conversation.
1166 words. This took me a W E E K to finish writing. I'm sorry 😭😭

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