Kirishima x Reader angst

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I wouldn't peg kirishima as a cheater. He's a sweetheart. He'd walk with me anywhere I went. He bought or made me coffee every morning. He showed me off to everyone he could. I'd even met his mom. He was absolutely perfect. Right?


When I had unlocked the door to our shared apartment what I saw, to say the least, shocked me. "I-" I was speechless. Kirishima was on top of a girl. A blanket covered anything below their unclad bodies. My hand covered my mouth and Kirishima was quick to slide his boxers on. "Y/n-" he started. He seemed to have the same inability to form words as I did. I rushed to our room. I hastily grabbed a bag and started grabbing things. I couldn't compose myself and I fell to the ground. I clutched his hoodie tightly. He gave it to me soon after we'd started dating. He saw me gush over all the couples who shared their hoodies once and decided he'd give me his. Me happiness was so radiant that day that he was just as happy as me.

We'd been together since our second year of UA and it's been about two years since we graduated. This was another level of betrayal. He was having sex with some rando after years of being with me. Was I not enough? What did I do wrong? Tears flooded my eyes and I stood up again. I needed to gain some composure and continue packing some things. I'd have to come back either way this goes. Either he gets forgiven for such an appalling act and I come back to him or I need to come back for my clothes. Bakugo was close by so it would be less of a hassle to get there but I'm sure Kirishima would want to confide in him so I'd have to go to Mina. She'd be easier to avoid problems. Though they're both his best friends they were mine as well. I know it would be hard to completely avoid him sense we started that agency together but I'll cross that bridge when I have too.

I called the pink girl while I continued to pick up a few more things that I'd need. When she answered and I'd explained the situation she allowed me stay. I grabbed the bag and went to the living room. Whatever girl that was here before was gone and Kirishima was sitting on the couch, fully dressed. When he heard me his head snapped in my direction. "Y/n.. I'm sorry. I really am. I don't have an excuse nor reason as to why I did what I did. It was an impulse. I don't know why I did it. I'm so sorry. I love you so much. Just tell me what I can do to make it up to you and I'll do it." He pleaded. His eyes were glossy and his lips looked destroyed from chewing at them. "Get something to help your lips. Remember that I leave it in the cabinet by the mirror in our bathroom. I have some lunches premade for you in the fridge for work this week. I'm going to call in and figure some stuff out. I'll tell you if I'm going to come back or not by the end of the week." I cupped his face gently with my hands. I kissed him lightly. "I'll see you soon." I spoke shakily.

I picked the bag up and left the apartment. I don't think I could physically bring myself to leave him but I needed some space. The images of earlier were still fresh on my mind. I would need to take this week to just think. I could eat my feelings away and decide if I will stay with him.


The week passed by quickly. My mind was made up. I'd go over there today. I'd pick up my things. Then I'd leave. So that's what I did. Or tried to do at least. He was there when I got there and Bakugo was napping on our couch. I cringed at the sight. I personally would not be laying there right now...

When I stepped into the room he shot up. It was like he was waiting for today. I smiled lightly at the thought. I couldn't leave him could I? No. Shake those thoughts away. I have to leave him. He cheated on me. But deep down I knew I didn't want to. I didn't need to either. He scrambled over to me. "Y/n!" He called. "Please tell me your coming back..." He pleaded. I sniffed the scent that our room normally held. My belongings right where I left them. Nothing was different. Not my feelings and not his feelings. We were the same. There was just a tiny cut on our heart. We could fix that with a bandaid so the love didn't stop. I nodded at him with a smile. He hugged me tightly and I buried my face into his neck. When he pulled away I walked back into the living room. Bakugo laid, sprawled out, on our couch. He stayed on his phone. "Please tell me you cleansed that couch of the disgustingness that tortured it..?" I asked quietly. Kirishima snickered a little. "Yes I did." He responded.

I tapped Bakugo and he jumped slightly. "Fights over. You can go home now explosion boy." He nodded, too tired to fight. I'm sure he had to hold his best friend to calm the shark boy down. I'm also sure that he's exhausted from being here. "Thanks for taking care of him while I was gone Kat." I smiled at the hothead. He rolled his eyes. "He's my best friend I have to." He admitted. He's only open when he's tired but it's nice to know that he genuinely sees Kirishima as his best friend. I stole the spot on the couch and laid my head back. I could only hope that everything could be normal again. Though from the looks of it it already is.
1017 words. We love Kiri angst lol(no we don't it makes me sad)

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