Chapter Three

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"Y'alreet lass?" I asked as I noticed an unfamiliar brunette walk past me for the third time in the past 5 minutes. It was obvious that she was new, John Spence High School didn't have a massive sum of pupils and I was pretty familiar with almost every face in the school and every face in my year.

"Uh, I'm a bit lost," she replied sheepishly as she held a crumpled piece of paper in her hand. "I'm trying to find 512."

"Maths, eh?" I questioned, realising that whoever this girl was, she was in the same class as myself.


"Lucky for you that's where I'm heading now. Come on, I'll show ya," I told her before setting off in the direction of the maths department.

"Thank you!" she smiled. "I'm Harlow."

"Aurora, but ya can call me Rory," I grinned. I had a feeling that Harlow and I would get on like a house on fire.


"Did you see his face? Priceless!" I smiled as I heard the obnoxiously loud voice of Rory from behind me. "Alreet lads? This is Harlow, she's new. Harls, this is Sam and Dean."

"Y'alreet lass?" I greeted her as the two took a seat at the table, Rory by my side and Harlow opposite.

"Hi," she smiled back. I carefully studied Rory's face with a soft smile across my face as she dived into conversation with Dean and Harlow. I was in a world of my own, letting out a laugh every now and then in an attempt to look like I was listening. All my mind could focus on was Rory's melodic laugh and the sparkle in her eyes when she smiled. "Are the two of yous together?"

"What?" I coughed in surprise as Rory choked on her sandwich. "No?"

"Oh, sorry my bad," she apologised with an unabashed smile. I didn't know the lass very well, but I could tell she wasn't sorry at all. "Yous would make an adorable couple y'know."

"Oh no. We don't- that would be weird," Rory laughed nervously, her attention fixed on the sandwich in front of her as though it were the most interesting thing in the world. She didn't dare look up. "He's my best friend."

"Reet," I agreed, trying to hide my disappointment with a smile. Of course, she didn't like me like that. I was a fucking idiot to even consider it, stupid to start to believe Dean's persistent nagging that she liked me. The rest of our lunch was painful to endure. Whereas before I would cling to every second I had to spend with Rory during school, now, I found myself willing the time away. The conversation was awkward, Dean trying with all his might to hold the conversation afloat single-handedly. I was relieved when the bell sounded, signalling that lunch was over and quickly excused myself and Dean from the table, suddenly thankful for the age difference separating our classes. "Likes me huh?"

"She does," Dean huffed as we made our way to the science block. I was well and truly flunking school, so being distracted by what Rory had said was only threatening to worsen the problem. I didn't understand science as it was.

"Yeah, but that would be weird. We're best friends," I scowled, repeating Rory's words.

"What, were you expecting her to confess her love for ya right then and there? She was put on the spot! Ya would've done the exact same!" he told me disbelievingly. I didn't reply, her words still echoing around my head, taunting me. "Listen to me, Sam. I know Rory, she didn't mean it."

"Ya forget that I know her too. Course she meant it, were ya even there?" I sighed as I ran a hand over my face, "Look can we just drop it, Dean? I shouldn't have listened to ya, she clearly don't like us. May as well quit while I'm ahead."


"I mean it," I said, finality lacing the words as we came to a stop outside Mrs James' class. It was time to do what I did best. Ignore my feelings.

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