Chapter Nine

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"He asked me to wait for him, Harls," I gushed over the phone.

"And what about Heather?" she asked.

"He told me he was gonna talk to her," I told her.

"I'm happy for ya, pet," she said, "But I still don't forgive him for being a complete nob to ya though."

"It's Sam, he's about as emotive as a rock," I laughed genuinely for what felt like the first time in weeks. I felt so much lighter now that things had been sorted with Sam, kind of anyway. "I'm surprised he said what he said."

"Have you spoken to him since?" she asked.

"Nah, I'm giving him some time to sort things with Heather. God, I feel awful, she's such a nice girl." I was still absolutely mortified that I'd posted the video publicly and even more so that it had completely blown up. I couldn't imagine the embarrassment that Heather must have felt when she saw it. It was inevitable that she would, apparently it was encircling the school.

"I'm sure she'll understand," she reassured me.

"I can't believe I posted that video publicly. How am I gan face her in school?" I groaned, running my hand over my face.

"You're gan be fine, pet," she assured me. I hummed in reply, staring up at the ceiling in thought before being interrupted by the ringing on my phone. I looked at the screen, butterflies erupting in my stomach at the sight of Sam's name lit up.

"I've got to go, Sam's calling me," I told her, muttering our goodbyes to each other, before answering Sam. "Hi."

"Alreet?" I could practically hear the grin in his voice. "What are ya up to right now?"

"I'm in my room," I spoke, suspicion lacing my words.

"What do ya say me and you take a trip to the beach?" he asked.

"Now?" I asked, sitting up in bed.

"Yeah now."

"Uh yeah!" I blurted a bit too quickly. My face burned bright as the embarrassment washed over me. "Just let me get dressed quickly."

"Great because I'm outside."

"For fuck's sake, Sam. I'll be down now," I laughed, throwing on some clothes before making my way down the stairs and out the door. "Dad, I'm off to the beach with Sam!"

"Be safe!" he yelled back before the door snapped shut. My heart began racing as my eyes met Sam's figure, leaning against the house with a ciggy between his fingers.

"Hi, gorgeous," he grinned before taking a puff. I couldn't help the shy smile that grew on my face as the butterflies went wild in my stomach. I couldn't even call them butterflies, it felt like I had the whole zoo in there!

"Laying it on a bit thick, eh, Fender?" I teased him.

"Is it working?" he asked. I let out a laugh, slapping him on the chest, the two of us heading in the direction of the beach. The walk was comfortable, filled with conversation between the two of us, catching up on what we'd missed in the months we'd been apart. It was something that I had desperately missed. The backs of our hands kept brushing, causing a constant warmth to occupy my cheeks and an urge to grasp his hand in my own and rest my head on his shoulder.

"We should talk about what happened," I spoke quietly.

"Yeah," he agreed, eyes fixed on the ground as we walked, "I've liked ya for a long time now, Rory. I don't think I realised it until ya came to school that one day all dolled up for Jackson. I was so jealous, ya wouldn't believe." He let out a small laugh as he reflected on the situation. "Dean kept telling me that ya liked me, but I never believed him and then when Harlow asked..."

"Shit, Sam," I frowned, remembering my words to Harlow that day. I probably made Sam feel like shit. "I'm sorry. I- what I said, I didn't mean it. At all. I was just... nervous about how you would react and I blurted anything oot."

"It's alreet. I know that now. I'm sorry, too. I reacted badly, I never should've ignored ya. Please, forgive me?" he pleaded.

"Of course," I smiled softly. The sun was beginning to set when we made it to the beach, which made for some amazing views. We found some rocks where we took a seat at.

"Wow. It's so pretty," I smiled, staring at the sky filled with hues of pinks, purples and orange.

"Yeah," He hummed in agreement, although as I turned to look at him, I found him staring down at me. The realisation that he was talking about me gave me a feeling of warmth in my stomach and dust of pink across my cheeks. "That was cheesy from me."

"It was," I smiled, causing him to let out a laugh, one I could listen to for hours on end. "Never said I didn't like it though."

"Yeah?" he smirked, staring deeply into my eyes, allowing me to admire the sea of blue that were his own. "Can I kiss you?"

"Please," I replied breathlessly as he closed the gap between us. His lips met mine and his hand reached up to grasp the side of my neck, giving him the leeway to pull me deeper into the kiss. His lips were rough on my own but it wasn't an unpleasant feeling. It was soft and sweet, yet I could feel the sense of urgency and need to be close to him. It was everything I imagined it would be. We only pulled away once we ran out of breath, Sam pressing his forehead against mine.

"I never told ya how good the song was," he smiled, wrapping an arm around me after a sudden breeze sent a chill through me. I snuggled up to his side, muttering a 'yeah?' back to him. "Hmm, you've got the voice of an angel, Rory Nightingale."

"I wouldn't go that far," I mumbled as my cheeks grew warm.

"I would. Have you looked at the comments?" he asked.


"I think you've got yourself some fans, pet," he grinned.

"Fuck off," I laughed, elbowing his side gently.

"I'm not joking!" he told me. "You're near enough half a million views!"

"Oh my god," I flushed, hiding my face in his chest.

"Any chance of a second song for me?" he questioned.

"Hmm maybe," I grinned up at him. The conversation flowed as the sun slowly set, leaving the moon as our only source of light in combination with the streetlights. We'd barely even noticed how late it had become, quickly deciding to head back, lest my dad and his mam start worrying about the two of us. We strolled back hand in hand, not taking long to reach my house. "Thank you for tonight, Sam. It's been lush."

"Anything for you, lass," he grinned, placing a kiss on my forehead, steadying himself with a hand on my cheek. "Say, how would you feel about being me girlfriend?"

"You'll have to give me a few days to think about it," I teased, laughing as he rolled his eyes and let out a quiet 'fuck off'. "Of course, I'll be your girlfriend, dick."

"Have I mentioned how much I love it when ya give me cute nicknames?" he grinned, dodging my hand as I batted his arm. "Hmm, my girlfriend. Got a nice ring to it." He pressed his lips against mine in one last kiss before we bid each other goodnight.

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