Chapter One Hundred and Nineteen

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My ears were ringing, even as Harlow departed, leaving me all alone standing in my living room.

"Sam?" Sophie called out cautiously as crept up behind me. I jumped in fright, having forgotten about her presence entirely in my sense of doom. "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you."

"It's alreet," I muttered. I didn't stop her as her arms wrapped around my waist, her lips pressing a comforting kiss against my bare shoulder blade. "I'm sorry for snapping."

"It's okay," she assured me as she rested her cheek against my back, though it did nothing to calm my whirring thoughts. "Sam, is everything alright? You're not with it."

"Hmm? Oh, I'm fine, everything's fine," I blurted.

"Has it got anything to do with that bitch?" she scoffed lightly, pulling away to spin me to face her.

"Harlow's not..." I trailed.

"You're not seriously going to stick up for her after the way she spoke to me?" she gaped.

My heart began racing as I desperately tried to diffuse the situation without revealing that my ex-girlfriend was back in Shields. "She's just-"

"Just what?" she frowned.

"Er, she thought we were just sleeping around," I shrugged, internally face-palming myself at the excuse that didn't even make sense.

"But we are," she laughed before her face contorted into shock. "Unless... Sam is this your shit way of asking me to be your girlfriend? 'Cause it sucks."

"Yes," I blurted, my thoughts too clouded to process what she was actually saying.

"Well," she grinned, her hands wandering up my chest to entwine themselves behind my neck. "It's a two out of ten for effort, Fender, but it's a yes from me." Her smile was wide as she rose on her tiptoes to meet my lips with hers. If she noticed that I wasn't responding, she didn't say. "Of course, I'll be your girlfriend."



It felt odd being back in Shields again but after near enough three years of avoiding the small town, I finally bucked up the courage to come back. My fears of seeing Sam had been quelled by the fact things wouldn't be entirely hostile, even if they wouldn't exactly be amicable and with my dad's birthday coming up, I thought what better time to get it over and done with?

My dad was still sleeping when I woke that morning, having worked the night previous and so I decided to take a walk down to Tynemouth. I hadn't been able to enjoy the pretty coastal views in too long and so what better way to spend your morning?

"Rory? Is that you?" a deep voice asked, pulling me from my reverie. My eyes fell on the source of the voice, a soft smile tugging at my lips as I recognised the tuft of brown hair and all-too-familiar blue eyes.

"Liam," I mumbled, allowing the older man to pull me into a tight hug.

"It's been too long," he commented with a grin, studying me intently as we pulled away. "Christ, ya've grown loads since I last saw you."

"I'm not a 'lil kid anymore," I laughed as we began walking together.

"You're always gan be a 'lil kid to us," he teased, ruffling my hair playfully.

"Piss off, would yer?" I growled jokingly as I batted his hand away from me. "How's your mam?"

"She's canny," he told me, stealing a quick glance over at me. "She misses yer."

"I miss her too," I admitted sadly. Although we had kept in contact, Shirley often sending me the occasional Facebook message asking how I was doing or congratulating me on some career milestone, it wasn't the same as it used to be and years had passed since I had last seen her. "You'll have to tell her to pop 'round one day."

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