Chapter Twelve

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"Rory, hurry up. The boys are downstairs!" Harlow chided me, throwing her bag over her shoulder impatiently.

"I'll be two seconds now, Harls," I told her as I fastened the back of my earring on and checked myself over once more in the mirror. "Reet, I'm done." The two of us walked downstairs to find the boys sitting in the living room talking with my dad.

"About bloody time an' all," Sam huffed, standing from his place on the sofa and meeting you halfway. "Ya look stunnin'." There was a grin on his face as he leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to my glossed lips.

"We've been waiting long enough, I think. Can we go now?" Dean asked impatiently, not looking up from his phone as he stood. He froze when his gaze landed on the brunette behind Sam and me, jaw dropping slightly as his eyes slowly raked her figure.

"Yeah, let's go," Harlow agreed as she gestured towards the door. Sam grasped my hand and led the way, Harlow lingering for a moment for Dean to catch up. When he didn't move though, she frowned. "Dean, ya coming or what?"

"Yeah, yeah! Uh, sorry," he stammered as he followed us out of the door. I smirked at Sam, yelling a quick goodbye to my dad, who warned us to be careful. Heather was throwing a house party as her parents were out of town and had invited us, something I was extremely surprised about considering our last interaction, but turned out, she's a lush girl.

It didn't take us long to reach Heather's, she only lived about two streets over from me. Knocking on the door, it was a matter of seconds before Heather answered with a beaming smile and invited us inside.


We had been at the party for a few hours now and had more than our fair share of alcohol. Well, Dean and I anyway. Rory was handling it like a pro and Harlow, well, I didn't even know where she was. Rory didn't seem too worried anyway, so I didn't think much of it.

"Where's Harlow?" Dean slurred as he searched the room for the familiar brunette.

"She's gone to the toilets," Rory replied, rolling her eyes fondly at the older boy. "Miss her already?"

"Yeah. And what?" he huffed, trying and failing to fold his arms across his chest.

"Urgh, just admit that ya like her already," she groaned.

"Not like she'd ever like us back anyway," he mumbled under his breath, so quiet that I had to strain my ears to hear.

"Are ya serious, Dean? She does," she gaped.

"Don't be daft, Rory," he cried, "Have ya seen her? She's stunnin' and I'm just... me."

What the fuck is going on?

"I know she likes you," Rory told him but it only served to worsen his cries.

"She's so pretty," he sobbed. No, seriously. What is happening?

"Dean, are ya crying?" Harlow's voice cut through the room, effectively silencing the wailing boy.

"Uh, no?" he sniffed. Harlow shot Rory a questioning look but my girlfriend only shrugged in reply, which only peaked the latter's suspicion.

"Rory, I'm drunk," I whispered to her. Yelled more like.

"I know, pet," she snorted.

"You are so fuckin' pretty, ya know?" I slurred as I stared down at her, placing a sloppy kiss on her lips.

"Thanks," she blushed, widening the smile on my face.

"I love you. So fuckin' much," I blurted, not being able to gauge her reaction through my blurred vision, but her silence was telling.


"I love you. So fucking' much," Sam exclaimed, slurring his words together. My eyes widened as they met Harlow's, who wore the same bewildered expression I did. "I love you, Aurora Nightingale." His words were like vomit. And then came the actual vomit. "Fuck, I'm sorry."

I gagged internally as I avoided looking at my feet which were covered in the contents of Sam's gut. "It's alreet. I'm just gan go clean myself up and grab you some water. Stay here." I shuffled towards the bathroom, holding my breath as I began to clean off my feet in an attempt not to throw up myself. I was relieved when the last of the vomit disappeared with the water down the plug hole and made my way to the kitchen to grab Sam and Dean some water. I was hoping that it would sober them up slightly. Grasping the two glasses, cautious not to spill the liquid, I found my way back to my friends.

"Rory! Where did ya go? I missed ya!" Sam beamed when his eyes spotted me.

"To clean up your mess," I teased as I passed the two boys the glasses before seating myself beside my boyfriend.

"Mess?" he frowned in confusion as he took the glass from me. This boy.

"Divn't worry about that. Drink your water," I huffed, shooting Harlow a look of disbelief. Boy, was he gonna feel embarrassed tomorrow morning. The sadistic part of me was kind of excited to watch him come to the realisation of his actions.

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