Chapter Twenty

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Drinks at mine 2nite? Free house x

I grinned as I read Harlow's text, quickly shooting a reply of agreement back. It was August 24th. Results Day, for the boys at least. It had been in the works for a while that we would do something to celebrate, but nothing solid had been put into place and so, Harlow having the house to herself was enough to boost my mood entirely.

That summer so far had been a memorable one for several reasons. I got to spend so much time with my best friends and my boyfriend, I learnt how to play the guitar, and I even taught Sam to play the piano. Well, keyboard. But it was about to become even more memorable for an entirely different reason.

I quickly checked to see if I had any other messages, namely from my boyfriend. Nothing. The text I had sent him three hours earlier still sat there.

Good luck today, Sammy. Gonna smash it x

I frowned as I stared down at the message, a pit forming in my stomach whilst I debated whether to send another. Maybe he just hadn't seen it. Or maybe he was just ignoring you, I thought bitterly. Suppressing my negative thoughts, I eagerly typed out another text.

How did u do? x

I smiled nervously to myself, more to convince myself than anything and tossed my phone on my bed, instead focussing on readying myself to leave for Harlow's. It was a more than welcome distraction as I carefully applied my makeup, enough to take my mind off my boyfriend's lack of communication. Before I knew it, it was time to leave and as expected, still no reply from Sam. I let out a loud exhale, pursing my lips together as I shoved my phone into the back pocket of my skinny jeans and left. 

It didn't take me long to reach Harlow's, which was the benefit of living in such a small town. She quickly answered the door and greeted me warmly, but I could recognise the look in her eye when she saw me. It was one I'd gotten a lot in the last couple of months. Pity. My stomach dropped as she let me in, leading me to her living room where all our friends sat. Dean, Tom and Sam. I felt sick as I took note of Sam's loud laughter and the wide grin on Sam's face that vanished when his eyes landed on me.

"Y'alreet, lass?" Dean grinned, standing to pull me into a tight hug.

"Hello," I smiled forcefully as I hugged him back, compelling myself to look away from my boyfriend. "Done well, is it?" I gestured to his wide smile and the almost empty bottle of Birra Moretti in his hand.

"Better than I thought. 'nough to get me into college at least," he beamed.

"And what about you, Tommy?" I asked as I began to feel more settled.

"Same here," he shrugged with a small smile.

"Oh, shut up! He got class grades!" Dean snorted, shoving him in the shoulder.

"My brainy lads," I teased, ruffling their hair as I made a beeline to the kitchen with Harlow to grab myself a drink.

"What the fuck is gan on with the two of yous?" Harlow asked as she closed the door.

"There's nowt gan on with us," I told her. I accepted the bottle of Amstel from her gratefully and took a large swig, noticing the 'I don't believe you' look she was giving me. "I'm serious, Harls! We were fine yesterday. I texted him this morning and again about an hour and a half ago and he's not answered us."

"Every time I give that lad another chance, he blows it. Every. Time. I'm gan kick some fuckin' sense into him," she growled, slamming her drink on the table and making a beeline for my boyfriend.

"Harlow, no!" I protested, grabbing her arm and reeling her back into the kitchen.

"What d'ya mean 'no'?" she huffed.

"I've got this. I'm a big girl, now, ya know?" I sighed, grasping a bottle of Birra Moretti for Sam. "See if I can win him over with a drink." I strode back to the living room and took a seat next to my boyfriend, not too close as to aggravate him and passed him the bottle.

"Cheers," he replied, not giving me a second glance. Ouch. The evening progressed and all Sam seemed to do was completely ignore my presence, which stung just a little. I could feel Harlow's eyes on the two of us, burning a hole into Sam's head, but if he noticed, he didn't make it known. "I'm gan for a smoke." He announced, pushing himself up off the sofa and making his way outside.

"I'll come. I'm dying for a tab," I muttered, following him.

"Same," Dean mumbled, digging in his pocket for his cigarettes, but was quickly delivered with an elbow to his side. "Ow!"

"What's wrong with you? Ya've barely spoken two words all night," I frowned as I allowed him to light the cigarette on my lips.

"It's nowt, Rory," he grumbled, lighting his own cigarette before shoving the lighter back in his pocket.

"Talk to me, Sam," I begged him. "Is it your results? Are ya stressed?"

"I don't want to!" he snapped. "Look, I'm trying so hard not to start an argument here, but you're making it really fuckin' hard. Can we just forget about it?"

"Can ya stop ignoring us then?" I spat. I had reached the end of my tether now and Sam trying to gaslight me was only infuriating me more.

"I swear ya just love to fight," he laughed bitterly, as he dragged a hand down his face in frustration, his other holding his cigarette firmly.

"It's called communication. Not that you'd know," I hissed, folding my arms across my chest.

"Communication," he scoffed. "So, ya want me to communicate, is it?"

"That's all I'm asking for," I sighed.

"Reet, well. I passed about two of me subjects, failed the rest and I'm a massive disappointment in me parents' eyes. But me girlfriend is concerned that I won't unload that bullshit onto her," he ranted. "There? Good enough."

"You're not a disappointment," I told with watery eyes.

"Course I'm not," he snorted.

"You're not!" I scolded him. "Ya worked hard revising for your exams. You tried your best."

"That makes it even worse," he laughed sarcastically as he snuffed out the fag on the brick wall, flicking it into a bush. "Too thick to pass when I actually try."

"Who cares what a piece of paper says? I'm proud of ya either way," I assured him.

"I care!" he yelled, grasping at his hair in frustration. "I don't give a shit if you're proud of us, Rory."

"Why do I even bother?" I asked as the tears began falling from my eyes.

"I don't know. Why do ya?" he accused.

"Fuck you." I sniffed, stumping out my own cigarette and discarding it. "Enjoy your night, dickhead."

"Where are ya gan?" he demanded as I started to walk away. "Rory!"

"I'm gan home," I spat, not bothering to turn around.

"Stop," he huffed, running after me and grasping my arm lightly. "You're not walking home on your own at this time."

"Why do you even care, Sam?" I cried, snatching my arm from his grip.

"Ya know why I care," he spoke through gritted teeth, his eyes softening slightly. "Stay here. I'll go home." I didn't reply. "Don't make me tell you twice, Rora."

I nodded stiffly and side-stepped him, rerouting my steps back to Harlow's. I reached the front door and paused momentarily, feeling Sam's eyes boring into my back, but resisted the temptation to turn around and make eye contact. No, I wouldn't give him the satisfaction.

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