Chapter Eighteen

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As exam season was nearing, Sam's stress levels were reaching an all-time high and I was starting to see less and less of him. I completely understood that he had to focus on his exams, but he was beginning to get very short and snappy with me and I didn't like it. Not one bit.

"Harls, I'm bored," I whined over the phone. "Please can we oot and do something?"

"No can do sorry, pet. I'm helping Dean with his revision," she apologised. "What's wrong with Sam?"

"He's ignoring me again," I sighed with a pout even though she couldn't see me.

"Rory, ya literally live a two-minute walk from each other. Just go and see him," she snorted.

"I don't know, Harl," I muttered picking at my cuticles.

"He's your bloody boyfriend, what's the worst that could happen?" she laughed. He could tell me he was ignoring me for a reason like he did two weeks ago, or tell me he was too busy to see me like he did last week.

"You're reet," I spoke with fake enthusiasm. "I'll go see him, I'll speak to ya later."

"Bye." I quickly ended the phone call and stared down at my phone. 

(0) new messages.

Of course, he hadn't texted me back. I pursed my lips together before pushing myself up off the bed and making my way downstairs, pulling my shoes on and starting the short walk to Sam's. I nervously knocked on the door, sending Shirley a large smile when she answered and invited me in.

"Sam! Rory's here!" she yelled from the bottom of the stairs. "Go on up, pet. He's in his room."

"Thanks, Shirl," I smiled. My legs felt heavy as they scaled the stairs, each step harder than the one before. "Sam?" I called as I pushed his bedroom door open slightly.

"Rory? What are ya doing here?" He frowned, pushing himself away from the desk that was littered with heaps of paper and turned towards me.

"I came to check up on you," I told him as I leaned against the doorframe, too nervous to step foot inside. "Ya weren't answering your texts, didn't know if you were busy or not."

"Usually if I don't answer me texts, it means I'm busy," he chided, shaking his head as he turned his attention back to the notes in front of him. "Just go home, Rory."

"Don't ya think you should take a break?" I suggested. "You've probably been at it for ages. We could go for a quick walk?"

"I've not got time for this," he huffed.


"I'm serious, Aurora! Stop being so fuckin' clingy. Go home," he snapped, slamming his pen down on the oak. I froze, unable to spit out any sort of response or even move. Clingy. That was a new one. All I could do was stare as the tears slowly started to leak from my eyes. He sighed and turned around once more to face me, scoffing as he noticed my tears. "Fuckin' hell. You're pathetic. You crying won't make me change my mind."

"I'm not... I-"

He stood from the chair, taking three long strides before he was in front of me. I didn't dare make eye contact as he spoke to me. "Go home, Rory. I'll see you tomorrow." The gentleness of his words and the soft kiss he placed on my forehead were patronisingly bitter. I felt empty as he shut the door on my face, staring at the wood for several moments before furiously swiping away my tears and practically running out of the house, letting out a quiet 'bye' to Shirley as I left.


I stared at the door as I closed it on her face, closing my eyes as my words replayed in my head. Stop being so fuckin' clingy. Fuck, had I really said that? I was such a dick. I shook my head and sat back at my desk, desperately trying to understand how to solve algebraic equations, but I couldn't. I couldn't understand them on the best of days, never mind when my thoughts were all over the place. I must've been staring at the page for ten minutes when my phone buzzed loudly. I grabbed it hastily, pulling up the text and hoping it would be Rory, but was disappointed at the realisation that it was just Harlow.

What have u done ??

I let out a groan. If Harlow was texting me, it meant she knew Rory was upset and if there was one thing that lass was good at, it was being fiercely overprotective of my girlfriend, which didn't exactly work out in my favour when we argued. Choosing to ignore her, I instead decided to text Rory, hoping that she would forgive me for what I said.

Sorry for being a dick, shouldn't have said what I did. Just stressed with school. I know it's not an excuse, but soon as exams r over, I'll make it up to u x

I stared at the screen for what seemed to be hours, but in reality, was no longer than five minutes. When there was still no response from Rory, I sighed, tossing my phone to the side and standing up from the chair.

"Mam, I'm off oot!" I called as I made my way down the stairs.


"Aurora?" I was startled from my thoughts by the sound of my boyfriend's voice from behind me.

"Sam," I mumbled, staring at him through red-rimmed eyes before turning my attention back to the tranquillity of the sea. It was a metaphor for everything my life wasn't at the moment. "How'd ya know I'd be here?"

"The beach is your comfort place," he told me. I could feel him getting closer to me but still didn't dare to look at him. "That, and your dad told me I'd find you here."

"If you're here to call me clingy again, I don't wanna hear it. Ya can just go home. I'll leave you alone," I sniffed, feeling the tears welling up in my eyes once more.

"I'm here to apologise," he sighed, resting a hand on my arm hesitantly before gently spinning me around. My eyes immediately averted to the soft sand beneath our feet but he quickly grasped my chin and lifted it. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said what I said. I didn't mean it."

"I know," I assured him with a watery. "It's alreet, I know you're stressed out. I just want to help."

"I know, darlin'," he mumbled, wiping away the tears that started to fall with the pad of his thumb. "Come here." He wrapped his arms around my shoulders, my arms snaking around his waist and my head resting on his chest. He pressed a kiss to the crown of my head and stroked my hair gently as the tears began flowing freely. He just kept whispering comforting words to me, telling me how sorry he was.

And I fell for it.

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