Chapter One Hundred and Forty

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"Hiya, pet," Shirley grinned, having made a beeline towards me the second she spotted me.

"Areet, Shirl?" I smiled, allowing her to pull me into a tight hug. Sam had bought a new place in Shields, finally moving out of his tiny little flat and had invited everyone over for a BBQ, seeing as the warm July weather permitted so. All of his closest friends and family were here and the atmosphere was light and lively.

"Aye, I'm alreet like," she beamed as she pulled away, one hand lingering on my cheek like a doting mother. "Look at yer."

"What about me?" I laughed lightly.

"You're just so bloody gorgeous!" she told me.

"Oh, give over," I teased.

"She ain't lying, darlin'," Sam's voice cut through the conversation, his hand coming to rest on the small of my back as he appeared beside me. His touch burned tauntingly as I ached to lean into it but stopped myself from doing so, my face growing a dark shade of red at his compliment. "Areet?"

I hummed in reply, daring to peer at him from the corner of my eye. He looked so good, dressed in a pair of black shorts that cropped just above his knee and a white t-shirt. His hair was messy as ever but it only added to his rugged appearance, his lopsided smirk sending my brain into overdrive and my stomach into an acrobatics routine.

"I'll leave yous to it," Shirley announced, her eyes flickering between us suspiciously. "I'll speak to yer later, love."

"See ya in a bit, Shirl," I smiled as left us to find someone else, likely her mother who was in conversation with her grandson.

"Not like her to leave ya be first time," Sam joked.

"I dunna what I've done to her for her to leave me stuck with you," I teased lightly.

"Oi," he grumbled, shoving my arm lightly although there was a wide smile plastered on his lips. "Yer love me really."

Yeah, I did.

I stumbled over my words as I tried to produce a response. "S-sommat like that like," I shrugged. "Er, how's things? Album ready yet?"

He reached up to scratch the back of his neck and I couldn't help the way my eyes drifted towards his bicep as it flexed. "Lush, uh, there's some little finishing bits that need to be done but everything's pretty much finished like," he told me.

"That's lush," I smiled.

"I was, uh, wondering if ya'd come to the studio one day," he said nervously as he shoved his hands into his pockets in an attempt to stop himself from fidgeting. "I want to show yer some songs... get your opinion like."

"Course I will," I agreed. "Y'kna yer don't have to be so nervous around us, Sam. We're fine."

"I know, I know," he mumbled. "I'm just a bit nervous for yer to hear 'em. They're very, er... open."

"I'm sure they're great," I assured him, reaching out to grasp his upper arm in comfort. I felt him shiver slightly, his lips pulling into a tight line, his body tensing at the touch. I watched as he forced a smile, one I could see right through and nodded in agreement. It made me nervous. What was in these songs that he was so anxious for me to hear?

"Reet," he nodded. His attention was soon caught by his cousin calling his name, offering me an apologetic smile and nodding in his direction. "I'm sorry."

"Why are yer sorry for, yer divvy?" I chuckled softly. "Gan get away."

"I'll see yer later, darlin'," he smiled.

"See ya later," I told him, watching wistfully as he walked away.

"What was all that about?"

"Fuckin' hell!" I exclaimed, jumping out of my skin as the voice spoke into my ear over my shoulder. I whirled around, coming face-to-face with a pair of blue eyes identical to the ones I was just staring into, the only difference was the dark mop of hair. "Jesus, Li! Yer nearly gave us a fuckin' heart attack!"

"Areet now, pet, that's enough of your lip," he scolded teasingly.

"Nob," I scowled.

"Oh, pipe down," he grinned, pulling me into a tight embrace. "Considering yer moved back to Shields, I never bloody see ya."

"I'm avoiding yer, that's why," I teased as we parted.

"Aye, whatever," he snorted. "Now, yer gan tell us what that was all about with wor kid?"

"I dunna what you're on about," I shrugged nonchalantly.

He gave me a vacant glare, seeing right through my lies. He always did. "Yer forget I know ya, kidda," he sighed. "The two of yous need to wise up."

"Wise up?" I frowned.

"Yes. Wise up," he huffed, rolling his eyes at me. "It's bloody painful watching yous with each other!"

"What?" I muttered.

"Oh, stop acting like an idiot. I know y'kna what I'm on about," he groaned. "You and my lil' brother are still madly in love with each other."

"No, we are not!" I protested, mouth dropping in shock. It snapped shut when he sent me a knowing stare. "Areet. Maybe I still like him."

"Like him?" he cackled. "Pet, yer still love 'im."

I swallowed thickly, "Is it that obvious?"

"Aye, just a bit," he smirked. "Have ya spoke to mam about it?"

"Nee way," I scoffed. "I love her to bits but she takes a mile when anyone gives her an inch and there's nowt to it."

"Yous are only making yourselves miserable," he told me with a raised eyebrow.

"I can't go back there with him," I admitted, my lips pursing together tightly.

"Why?" he huffed.

"Stop being so pedantic. Y'kna why," I grumbled.

"Am not being anything, pet," he groaned. "Yous broke up years ago. He's not the same kid he was when he was sixteen. Just like you're not either."

"No, I'm not. That's why I won't put myself in that position again," I said with determination but I could feel my resolve weakening as the days passed, every time I stared into his baby blues.

"Rora," he sighed.

"I'm serious, Li," I gulped.

"I give it three months," he shrugged, earning a harsh glare from me. "Just saying it how I see it."

"Well, don't," I huffed. "Can we talk about sommat else?"

"If yer insist," he snorted.

"What date's the wedding? Freya'll be fed up of yer by the time ya put a ring on it," I smiled lightly.

"18th of April," he told me. "Besides, Freya'll never get sick of us. She's in too deep."

"There's no such thing as in too deep, mister," Freya interjected as she walked up behind him.

"Oh, darlin'. Light o' my life. Apple of my eye," he grinned.

"Give over," she scoffed but made no move to argue as he threw his arm over her shoulder and pressed a sloppy kiss against her cheek. "Fender men, eh?"

"Wor Rory knows all about it, don't yer?" Liam smirked.

"And that's my cue to leave," I scowled, shoving his shoulder lightly and stalking off.

"Ya love us really, kidda," he gleamed. I turned around so I was walking backwards and stuck my middle finger up at him. "Bloody charmin'!"

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